Agenda item

(09/03611/FULL1 ) - 1 Mavelstone Close, Bromley.




Description of application – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a detached two storey dwelling with accommodation in the roof space and attached garage.


Oral representations in objection to the application were received at the meeting.

It was reported that further objections to the application had been received.  Comments from Highways Division, Environmental Health and Drainage were reported.  It was also reported that the Advisory Panel for Conservation Areas had no objection to the application.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-

1.  The proposed dwelling, by reason of its size, design and siting, will constitute an overdevelopment of the site and will be harmful to the visual amenities of the area and the character and appearance of the adjacent Mavelstone Road Conservation Area, contrary to Policies BE1, BE13 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan.

2.  The proposed dwelling would be harmful to the amenities of the adjoining property at High Beeches, by reason of loss of prospect, privacy and outlook, contrary to Policies BE1 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan.

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