Agenda item

Authorisation for Exemption to Continue the Contract for Support Services to Children at Risk of Sexual Exploitation


Report CS17020


The Care Services Portfolio Holder introduced a report seeking permission for an exemption from competitive tendering to extend the existing contact for support services to children at risk of sexual exploitation which was due to expire on 30th June 2016 for a further nine month period.


A contract was currently held with a provider to deliver a specialist programme of support to divert young people identified as being at risk of sexual exploitation by undertaking engagement and reducing risk taking behaviour.  The existing contract, which had been held by the same provider since 2012/13, allowed for up to twelve young people to be supported at any one time through one-to-one counselling, drop-in sessions and group work.  The provider also delivered training sessions to Bromley social workers as well as attending social work panel meetings.  The existing contract was due to expire on 30th June 2016 and the retendering process had commenced in early 2016 following which an evaluation process of the submitted tenders was undertaken.  During this period, there had been an Ofsted Inspection of Children’s Social Care services and initial feedback suggested that the current service specification might be insufficient to meet a wider range of identified service user needs.  To allow a review of the service specification to be undertaken it was proposed to continue with the existing provision and provider for a further period of nine months with an increase in capacity to accommodate a waiting list of six children and the continuation of planned training sessions for practitioners, via an exemption to competitive tendering, until a new contract could be put in place. 


In response to a question from a Member, the Interim Director of Children’s Services confirmed that the service specification would be reviewed to ensure that appropriate support was in place for three particularly vulnerable cohorts identified in the Ofsted Inspection report, which comprised children at risk of sexual exploitation, missing children and children involved in gangs.  Work had already begun to identify the services required by these children, as well as the potential for more joined-up and partner working.  Whilst the specification for the service was under review, it was proposed to continue with the existing provision as the provider was meeting the requirements of the current contract and the Local Authority recognised the value that this service had for the children receiving support.


The Interim Director of Children’s Services reported that Bromley was working with other local authorities to identify examples of best practice in this area.  A progress report on developing the revised service specification would be reported to a future meeting of Care Services PDS Committee, and further information regarding the number of children and young people supported through the scheme on an annual basis would be provided to Members following the meeting.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to approve a further award of contract to the existing provider via an exemption to competitive tendering for a nine month period from 1st July 2016 to 31st March 2017, during which the contract will be retendered based on a revised specification.

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