Agenda item



The presentation on the Healthwatch Annual Report 2015-2016 was given by Linda Gabriel.


Three broad areas of work were identified:


·  Mental Health

·  Children and Young People

·  Access to Primary Care Services


Engagement with young people identified that children and young people needed to be given more information and an insight into mental health at a younger age.


In terms of signposting, roughly a third consisted of directing people to GP surgeries, followed by hospitals. A pie chart showing ‘positive stories by service type’ showed that people’s positive experiences were primarily with community health services.


The Board heard that during 2015/2016 Healthwatch used their powers to conduct ‘Enter and View’ visits to 6 Extra Care units, and made various recommendations subsequently.


Healthwatch undertook a project to gain better understanding and appreciation of Bromley residents’ attitudes towards pharmacies. Ten pharmacies across the borough were visited, focusing on topics such as dispensing; promotion of healthy lifestyles, signposting and patient feedback. From the views and experiences gathered, it was evident that patients and service users felt they received a high quality of service from local pharmacies.


Healthwatch explored attitudes towards mental health and service access in the borough. They gathered the views, opinions and experiences of 109 residents and service users. The majority of respondents agreed that there was not enough mental health support in the community.


Healthwatch felt that they had made a difference in the community by:


·  Publishing 5 reports that focused on priorities.


·  Playing an active role in gathering the views and experiences of homeless people for the borough’s Homeless Health Needs Audit.


·  Facilitating consultation with local people who access HIV services.


·  Holding an event to raise awareness about the importance of self-care.


·  Providing intelligence to the CQC, prior to the inspection of King’s College Hospital.


·  Delivering public engagement as part of the IAPT and Mental Health Employment Service review.


·  Involvement in the development of the ‘Our Healthier South East London’ Programme.


·  Engagement with over 200 members of the public as part of the CCG’s Phlebotomy Services consultation.


Ms Gabriel informed the Board that Healthwatch had decided to continue with the same priorities for 2016/17 which were:


·  Mental Health

·  Children and Young People’s Wellbeing

·  Access to Primary Care Services 


Mr Trainer mentioned that he was aware of a GP surgery that was using its address to help homeless patients register for various services, and that processes needed to be improved for homeless people to get access to medication. The Chairman stated that the issue of homelessness was being looked at in the next Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


It had been noted that the issue of sexual health and gender identity was a project that Healthwatch were looking to explore in the near future. Councillor Pauline Tunnicliffe highlighted that the number of young people identifying themselves as ‘bisexual’ had increased by 45% in the last 3 years. She asked if there was any link between this and mental health. Ms Gabriel replied that the focus of Healthwatch had been on the ability to access services rather than on identifying medical correlations. This being the case, no correlation had yet been identified.


Cllr Tunnicliffe stated that she had been informed that anti-depressants did not work well for young people, so were they being prescribed less? Dr Panajape responded to this query. She stated that she was not aware of any evidence that supported the claim that anti-depressants were less effective for young people. It was true that young people were more volatile, and that the risk factors may increase as a result. She expressed the view that a holistic approach was required along with occupational therapy. 


Cllr Diane Smith enquired if Healthwatch had been looking into issues concerning access to primary care services, specifically new GP surgeries. Ms Gabriel responded that Healthwatch had been looking into existing service quality, and not at new service provision. It was resolved that this matter be added as a future agenda item.


RESOLVED that the matter of new GP service provision be added as an agenda item for the next meeting.





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