Agenda item



The update from the Mental Health sub group was provided by Mr Harvey Guntrip.


The sub group had met prior to the main meeting of the HWB, and Mr Guntrip summarised the meeting as follows:


 The Chair introduced the following aims to members and sought general agreement on the terms and conditions under which the sub group would operate.


  1: To understand the wider mental health needs for the population of Bromley.


  2: To map existing and proposed provision across the Borough and cross borders.


  3: To investigate key issues impacting on effective delivery of mental health services across the Borough and facilitating strong partnership working across all agencies.


  4: To propose a joint LBB/CCG strategy for a cost effective mental health service across the Borough.


Discussion was held concerning these aims, and general agreement was reached, including a commitment from all present to aid in the facilitation of joint working across all agencies. The sub group agreed that the current membership was the appropriate size and composition for the task, and that other invitees would be called as appropriate to items on the future agendas.


Daniel Taegtmeyer (CAMHS Transformation Plan Lead from Bromley CCG) introduced a paper:


‘CAMHS Transformation and Mental Health of Children and Young People (CYP) in Bromley’.


A wide ranging discussion around the topic took place and general support of the aims of the plan was given. All members committed to working closely in the development of the plan and to ensure its long term success.


Stuart Thompson (Mental Health Interim Commissioner Bromley CCG) introduced a paper:


“Developing Mental Health and Wellbeing for Bromley”


Discussion around the broad range of topics contained in the paper took place and Stuart and Lorna confirmed they would work closely to ensure any commissioning intentions would be well rehearsed by both LBB and CCG to ensure maximum impact.  Members agreed that a combination of the CAMHS and the Mental Health and Wellbeing plans would constitute the backbone of an overall Bromley Strategic Plan for Mental Health and the sub group would assist in developing this plan in future meetings. The sub group concluded that future meetings would run in tandem with Health and Wellbeing Committee dates and that ongoing conversations around the topics would continue outside the meetings as appropriate.


Mr Guntrip informed the HWB that it was the intention of the sub group to chart and print a strategy document with real time frames that would be presented to the Board for discussion. It was suggested that as the CAMHS Transformation Plans needed to be signed off by October 31st, that authority be delegated to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the HWB for sign off.


Dr Bhan felt that the strategy of the HWB should be clinically led, and that something else should be set in place to enable this. She felt that it was fundamental to have clinicians involved, and that a broader engagement was required. 


Annie Callanan referenced school counsellors, and expressed the view that they should all be BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) trained and registered. This was not currently the case. A paper drafted by Jenny Selway would be presented to the Schools Partnership Board with this recommendation.