Agenda item



Report FSD17005


The Executive considered a report seeking approval of the initial draft 2017/18 Budget including the full year effect of savings agreed as part of the 2016/17 Council Tax report and any further savings approved during the year which had resulted in considerable reductions in the Council’s medium term budget gap. The views of PDS Committees would be sought and reported back to the next meeting, prior to the Executive making recommendations to Council on 2017/18 Council Tax levels.


The report provided details of the second year of the four year local government financial settlement (2016/17 to 2019/20), an update on the new social care precept as well as other changes reflected in the Autumn Statement 2016 and the Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement 2017/18. There were still outstanding issues and areas of uncertainty remaining, in particular relating to the Better Care Fund, Adult Social Care Support Grant and the Adult Social Care Precept. Any further updates would be included in the 2017/18 Council Tax report to the next meeting of the Executive.


The proposal included a pay increase of 1.2% to all staff except teachers, with the lowest paid also receiving £300 (pro rata for part time staff); this was higher than the national award again. The Departmental Representatives Forum had played a useful role in feeding back issues for budget discussions.


The position for the next two years was reasonably secure, but there was still a substantial budget gap looking ahead to 2019/20. The Council had front-loaded savings giving some breathing-space – it was important that this was used to focus on growth and self-sufficiency, becoming more commercially minded, and working with statutory partners on Building a Better Bromley priorities. 


The report had been scrutinised by the Executive and Resources PDS Committee on 4th January 2017; the Committee had supported the recommendations.




(1) The initial draft 2017/18 Budget, as detailed in Appendix 4 to the report, be agreed.


(2) The initial draft 2017/18 Budget for each portfolio be referred to the relevant PDS Committees for consideration.


(3) The financial projections for 2018/19 to 2020/21 be noted.


(4) That there are still areas of financial uncertainty which will impact on the final 2017/18 Budget and future year forecasts be noted.


(5) The setting of the schools budget, mainly met through Dedicated Schools Grant, be delegated to the Education Portfolio Holder, allowing for consultation with head teachers, governors and the Schools Forum (see section 12.4 of the report).


(6) It is noted that the outcome of consultation with PDS Committees will be reported to the next meeting of the Executive;


(7) The outcome of the public consultation meetings detailed in Appendix 8 to the report be noted.


(8) The proposed contribution of £281,355 in 2017/18 to the London Boroughs Grant Committee be agreed (see section 11 of the report.)


(9) The outcome of the Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement 2017/18 be noted (see section 4.19 of the report.)


(10) The significant budget gap remaining of an estimated £23.6m per annum by 2020/21, and that any decisions made for the 2017/18 Budget will have an impact on the future year projections, be noted.


(11) It is noted that any final decision by the Executive on recommended council tax and social care precept levels to Council will normally be undertaken at the next meeting of Executive.


(12) The release of one off grant funding in 2016/17 of £139,624 to fund the strategic review of SEN provision be agreed (see paragraph 4.14 of the report.) 

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