Agenda item



Report ACS10023


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report updating Members on progress with the Adult and Community Portfolio Priorities.  The Committee also considered the Draft Portfolio Plan for 2010-2011.


The Portfolio Holder thanked partners, stakeholders, service users and members of the Committee for their input into the Portfolio Plan. 


The key themes of partnership, innovation and addressing issues of well-being were highlighted.  Partnership had been extended to cross-portfolio working, and assistive technology was drawing on expertise from private providers.  Elements of training were now being undertaken across the Partnership and the team responsible for tackling rogue traders had been brought into the Adult and Community Portfolio.


Innovative thinking had improved access to employment opportunities through schemes such as job carving and Thyme Out.  Housing staff had been providing services in a innovative way, adapting national schemes in order to meet local needs.


The Portfolio Holder reported that since the last meeting, he and other Members of the PDS Committee had visited the Blue Circle site (now called the Crown Meadow Site).  The Portfolio Holder emphasised the high quality accommodation that would be provided, the excellent size of the accommodation and the high standard of living that would be experienced by occupants.


The Portfolio Holder and Councillor Catherine Rideout had visited the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) and had seen first hand the speed of assessments conducted by social care staff.


The Portfolio Holder had also participated in the Democracy Day hosted by Ravensbourne School.  This had been an encouraging event with young people demonstrating that they were well informed about the challenges and issues that were faced by more vulnerable members of the community.  Transport issues had also been discussed during the day and participants had shown that they had a good knowledge of the issues and problems that had developed in terms of access to transport and issues of bullying.


The Portfolio Holder suggested that over the next year issues of prevention and quality of life should be built on and further developed.


The Committee considered aspects of the Portfolio Plan, including issues surrounding assessment and self-assessment, workforce issues and partnership working with the PCT and mental health awareness training.


Officers confirmed that the final Portfolio Plan update report would reflect the true position in terms of targets met.  In drafting the report being considered by Members, Officers had erred on the side of caution and underlined that targets would be met.  Achievements against targets were monitored on a monthly basis and this monitoring would continue to ensure continuous improvement.  In terms of workforce targets, vacant posts within social care were largely a result of retirements and secondments to the Supporting Independence in Bromley Programme.  This issue would also continue to be monitored.


The Committee considered issues surrounding the provision of rented accommodation and Members noted that private landlords did not appear to be using the Bromley Homeseekers system as much as anticipated.  Members highlighted that there would be a huge resource available if private landlords advertised available properties on the system, and that it would be helpful for prospective tenants to be able to compare all the available properties.  Members considered the quality of housing that was available and it was noted that the quality of social housing was generally of a higher quality than that of private rented accommodation.  The Committee was told that in terms of meeting the decent homes standard, the Environmental Health Team did intervene with basic quality assurance.


The Chairman suggested that a review of advocacy provision across the Borough should be added to the Committee’s work programme for next year.


The Chairman also thanked the Portfolio Holder for hosting the Portfolio Planning Day which continued to be a popular event amongst service users and the groups representing them.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the draft Adult and Community Portfolio Plan for 2010-2011.


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