Agenda item



Report LDCS10064


The Committee reviewed the report of the NHS Health Check Working Group.  The NHS Health Check Working Group is the forum through which the Adult and Community committee exercises its health scrutiny function and can provide comments to the Care Quality Commission on the performance of the health trusts that serve the people of Bromley. 


The Chairman circulated a copy of a letter that she had received from the Chairman and Joint Vice-Chairmen of Bromley LINk.  This letter is attached to the minutes as Appendix B.  The Chairman suggested that a meeting between South London Hospital Trusts (SLHT), Bromley LINk and representatives from LBB be arranged in order to discuss the issues raised in the report.  Jennie Hall, Director Nursing, Governance and Patient Experience at SLHT, reported that the Trust would be happy to take part in any such meeting.  The Chairman explained to the Committee that the LINK had not been involved in the Health Check Working Group and confirmed that the PDS Committee would work with Bromley LINk on issues of joint concern.


A Co-opted Member queried paragraph 4.4 and the statement concerning the safe management of dementia patients at Green Parks House, as wards could not be locked.  The Co-opted Member reported that she had recently visited Cator Ward and this had been locked.  The Chairman reported that the comments would be forwarded to Oxleas NHS Trust for a response and further clarification regarding the definition of a locked ward in terms of voluntary patients.


Councillor Charles Rideout, a Member of the NHS Health Check Working Group, expressed concern at altering the content of the report as it would materially change what was said by the healthcare representatives interviewed by the Working Group.  It was suggested that an addendum be made to the report providing any further clarification received.


The Chairman reported that this was the first time that the working group had interviewed representatives from London Ambulance Service (LAS).  This had provided Members with a valuable insight to the Ambulance Service.  It was suggested that the Committee should review LAS response times in 12 months and this was agreed by the Committee.


The Committee considered the possibility of further developing the Community Responder Scheme and whilst some Members expressed concern surrounding issues with possible litigation, it was suggested that this could be something that was developed in conjunction with the British Red Cross who also ran an emergency response team and had the necessary insurance in place.


Dr Angela Bhan highlighted that over the next few months the Commissioning and Provider arms of the PCT would separate and would therefore have to be considered separately.


In reviewing South London Healthcare NHS Trust the Committee considered the shortage of qualified midwives and the importance of recruiting experienced midwives.  Ms Jennie Hall reported that on the Bromley site of the Trust, the ratio of midwives to patients was good and that recruitment was ongoing.


The Chairman suggested that it may also be helpful to undertake a piece of work on missed appointments in order to highlight the cost implications of high numbers of missed appointments.  Dr Angela Bhan agreed that it would be useful to identify where there was a large volume of missed appointments in order to target campaigns.


A Co-opted Member stressed the importance of ensuring that staff in hospitals were trained in the necessary skills to develop an understanding of the needs of older people and those with dementia.  Ms Hall reported that the Trust was commencing  work around dementia training and had now appointed a full-time patient experience lead.  A post that would lead on older peoples services would also be developed.


The Chairman also suggested that the Committee receive a report on the development of the ‘A Picture of Health’ programme and that this be added to the work programme in the new municipal year.


RESOLVED that (1) the NHS Health Check Working Group report and recommendations be endorsed; (2) that the Committee receive an update regarding LAS response times in 12 months; (3) that an update on the ‘A Picture of Health’ Programme be added to the Work Programme.

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