Agenda item



The update from Departmental Representatives was provided by Duncan Bridgewater and Jackie Goad.


They provided feedback on the following areas:


·  Working Environment

·  Health and Wellbeing

·  Terms and Conditions

·  Staff and Career Development

·  Building Maintenance

·  Style Manual

·  Updating the Outlook Address Book

·  Review of Civic Centre Smoking and Vaping areas


Councillor Carr was grateful for the positive dialogue that had taken place, and noted that as a result, better IT equipment had been provided for social workers.


The Chairman acknowledged the sterling work undertaken by Nicola Musto in providing mental health awareness and well-being training.


It was noted that the document that had been presented to the Committee was a ‘living document’ that would be updated as required.


Councillor Wilkins noted the reference in the document to some form of housing scheme for staff, as many staff could not afford to live in the borough. She asked how this could be progressed.


Councillor Diane Smith commented on the matter of staff engaging with Councillors and stated that this should not just be a one way process, but that Councillors should also show some initiative in engaging with staff. She had done this herself in engaging with social workers and the Adoption Panel. Councillor Carr echoed the sentiment that it was important to develop a good working relationship between Officers and Councillors. The Director of Human Resources informed the Committee that LBB provided a course, ‘Working in a Political Environment’, which may be of use to both Officers and Councillors.


Councillor Fawthrop cautioned that Councillors were not employees, and that the segregation of powers should be acknowledged. 


Councillor Turner stated that the document presented by the Departmental Representatives was excellent. He underlined the need for a common ‘house style’, a properly updated address book, and the need for the organisational charts to be updated on a regular basis. Councillor Fawthrop also highlighted the need for an updated Outlook address book with job titles.


The Director of Human Resources responded that the organisational charts (for key layers) were updated monthly. Councillor Turner stated that the charts should be updated regularly for all staff and not just the hierarchy. 


Post meeting note from Emma Downie:


The organisation charts for all staff are updated on a quarterly basis and there is a link to the pdf documents on One Bromley (Under the Links section, 4th option). These are being worked on at the moment and will be published next in April. 


Due to the work involved in producing these, which includes the departments reviewing and giving feedback on the draft charts, it would not be feasible to produce them on a more regular basis.


Ms Smith asked how many staff had responded to the survey sent out by the Departmental Representatives. Ms Goad clarified that 12 emails had been received, and most of these contained multiple responses. Ms Smith was surprised to hear that there had only been 12 responses. Ms Slater suggested that this may be because staff were afraid to engage and express dissatisfaction.


Ms Smith highlighted the reference in the report to the possibility of giving extra annual leave to staff that had no sickness in a year. She cautioned that such a policy could involve equality and discrimination issues.


Sandra Jones noted that changes would be made to the way that occupational health services would be provided, and stated that it would be a shame if the current counsellor could not be employed under the new arrangements. 


The Chairman expressed the view that the Departmental Representatives were providing a valuable ‘middle man’ function, and looked forward to the next report. 


The Director of Human Resources clarified that the Occupational Health Service was continuing, it was the provider that was changing. He added that the current counsellor was employed by the current Occupational Health provider and not the Council.  The counselling service would continue but under a different provider. Ms Jones responded by highlighting that the current counsellor had worked for LBB for 16 years, and it would be a shame if she could not be employed by the new contractor. Councillor Fawthrop suggested checking the TUPE arrangements. It was noted that the contract was being dealt with by the Commissioning Board. Councillor Carr encouraged the Director of Human Resources to be sympathetic to the request. 


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