Agenda item



SACRE members visit local schools to observe Collective Worship and the teaching of Religious Education. On Monday 30th January 2017, the Chairman and the Educational Advisor had visited Ravens Wood School, along with SACRE members; Ms Hannah Arnold, Mr Arvinder Nandra and Reverend Steve Varney. A detailed report of the school visit was considered by SACRE members.


The Chairman commented that the SACRE members had very much enjoyed the time they spent at Ravens Wood School. They had met with an extremely eloquent Year 9 student who had described his experience of RE and how the school used assemblies as a time for silence and reflection. Members had also been extremely impressed with the ‘Philosophy Kings’, a group of KS4 and KS5 students that met with teachers to consider the great philosophical issues and philosophers.


The Chairman said he had subsequently met with the Headteacher, Ms Sally Spence, who was extremely positive and keen to explore further links between Ravens Wood School and Holy Trinity Church.


It was noted that the Chairman, Educational Advisor and SACRE members had completed a visit to Blenheim Primary School earlier in the day. The Chairman commented that it had been a very positive experience and he was encouraged to see a huge change from the school he visited eight years ago.

The Educational Advisor informed members that the school served a disadvantaged community and had a diverse intake of faiths, yet had managed to produce an impressive strong and cohesive programme.


Members queried how the school’s success could be explained. The Educational Advisor responded that he felt the most important factor was the Headteacher, Mrs Lynda Doel. Secondly, he believed that focussing on the community that the school served and working with the parents had created a holistic approach. They had created a school community which had respect for others, and had guidelines on how to engage with each other.


Members enquired as to whether the schools provided any comments on how they felt about the visit of SACRE members. The Chairman said that the Headteacher at Ravens Wood School had felt the visits were a good and positive experience for the school, and the Headteacher at Blenheim Primary School appreciated the SACRE members showing an interest. The Educational Advisor agreed and said he felt that before the visits, the Headteachers would probably have thought the SACRE would be holding them to account. It was important that when SACRE members attended Headteacher events they emphasised they were here to work with the schools in a supportive role.


Councillor Onslow enquired as to whether any official feedback was received from the schools regarding the visit of SACRE members. The Educational Advisor suggested that when he sent a letter of thanks to the Headteachers he could include a copy of his visit report and a questionnaire asking for feedback. SACRE members agreed that this should be actioned and said it would be useful to have a sentence added into the school visit reports stating what the school had thought about the visit.

  ACTION: Educational Advisor


The Chairman informed members that he had received an invite from James Dixon Primary School in Anerley to attend their RE Day. It would take place on the morning of Thursday 30th March 2017, and classes would be looking at different world faiths and what they believed about life, and faith groups would be visiting the school. The Chairman had asked the school if it would be possible to extend the invitation for SACRE members to attend with him, and he was currently awaiting a response. A number of SACRE members indicated that they would be interested in attending if the invitation was extended, and the Chairman confirmed he would advise all SACRE members if it was agreed.


A report on the visit to Blenheim Primary School would be provided at the next meeting along with any further visits made and feedback received.




(i)  the report of the visit to Ravens Wood School be noted.

(ii)  the Clerk to notify SACRE members of arrangements for school visits during the summer term.


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