Agenda item

(15/04610/FULL1) - North Orpington Pumping Station, East Drive, Orpington




Description of application – Erection of 35 dwellings incorporating 14x3 bed houses, 10x4 bed houses of 2-2.5 storey in height, an apartment block of 2.5 storeys in height comprising 8x2 bed and 3x1 bed flats with associated car parking, landscaping and vehicular access off Lockesley Drive.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.  It was reported that further objections to the application had been received similar to those summarised in the Chief Planner’s report and a sample had been circulated to Members.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR COMPLETION OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT to secure the delivery of the affordable housing, health and education contributions and a highway contribution,as recommended, and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Chief Planner with amendments to Conditions 2, 10, 13 and 21 to read as follows:-

“2.  The development hereby permitted shall be carried out otherwise that in

complete accordance with the following plans unless previously agreed in

writing by the Local Planning Authority:

Site wide plans/elevations/floor plans: 041505-FER-03 Rev F, 041505-FER-

01 Rev H, 041505-FER-H-E3, 041505-FER-H-E2, 041505-FER-H-E1 Rev A,

041505-FER-H-P1 Rev A, 041505-FER-B1-P3 Rev B, 041505-FER-B1-P2 Rev B, 041505-FER-C-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-C-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-B-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-B-P1 Rev A, 041505-FER-F-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-F-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-E-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-E-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-SS05 Rev C, 041505-FER-SES02 Rev B, 041505-FER-GAR01 Rev B, 041505-FER-05 Rev F, 041505-FER-04 Rev F, 041505-FER-02 Rev J, 041505-FER-A-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-A-P1 Rev A, 041505-FER-B1-P1 Rev C, 041505-FER-D-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-D-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-D-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-G-E1 Rev B, 041505-FER-G-P1 Rev B, 041505-FER-CP03 Rev A, 041505-FERCP01 Rev A, 041505-FER-CP02 Rev A, 041505-FER-06, 041505-FER-SS04 Rev D, 041505-FER-B1-E3 Rev B, 041505-FER-B1-E1 Rev C, 041505-FERB1- E2 Rev C, 041505-FER-B1-E4 Rev B, 041505-FER-B1-P4 Rev A, 041505- FER-SES01 Rev B, 041505-FER-PER02 REV D, 041505-FER-PER01 REV D, 041505-FER-PER03 REV A, 041505-FER-CP04.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policies BE1, H7 and H9 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the visual and residential amenities of the area.

10.  Details of the layout of the access road and turning area including its junction with Lockesley Drive and dimensions of visibility splays shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these access arrangements shall be substantially completed before any part of the development hereby permitted is first occupied. There shall be no obstruction to visibility in excess of 1metre in height within the approved

splays except for trees selected by the Authority, and which shall be permanently retained.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policy T18 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of pedestrian and vehicular safety.

13.  Before any part of the development hereby permitted is first occupied that part of a sight line of 43metres x 2.4metres x 43metres which can be accommodated within the site shall be provided in both directions at Lockesley Drive and with the exception of trees selected by or the Local Planning Authority no obstruction to visibility shall exceed 600mm in height in advance of this sight line, which shall be permanently retained as such.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy T18 of the Unitary Development Plan and to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the free flow of traffic and conditions of general safety along the adjoining highway.

21.  Before any work is commenced on the access/highway works a Stage 1

and where appropriate a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit (these may be

combined with the prior agreement of the local Planning Authority) shall

be submitted to and approved in writing by the local Planning Authority for

the entire road layout. The works shall be implemented strictly in

accordance with the approved details to the satisfaction of the local

Planning Authority before any part of the development hereby permitted is

first occupied. A Stage 3 Audit shall be submitted to and approved in

writing by the local Planning Authority following satisfactory completion of

the works and before they are opened to road users.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policy T18 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of pedestrian and vehicular safety.


Supporting documents: