Agenda item

(16/05119/MATAMD) - Multistorey Car Park, Simpsons Road, Shortlands, Bromley, BR1 1DS




Description of application – Section 73 application for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment with mixed use scheme comprising multi-screen cinema, 200 flats, 130 bedroom hotel, Class A3 units (restaurant and cafe) including 1 unit for flexible Class A1 (retail shop), Class A3 (restaurant and cafe) or Class A4 (drinking establishment), basement car parking, associated access arrangements (including bus parking), public realm works and ancillary development. Minor Material Amendment to application 13/01094/MATAMD to include elevational changes, reduction in residents car parking, internal layout changes, amendments to facade and roof detailing, re-alignment of (Core A) rear building line, commercial elevation changes, balcony adjustments and treatment of link bridge.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.


The Chief Planner’s representative reported that on page 52 of the Chief Planner’s report that the fourth paragraph from the bottom of the page should be amended to read, “Moats are taking 62 units, 46No. S106 and 16 additional units within Core D. Five wheelchair units and 10 additional car parking spaces will serve these 62 units in Core D, with the remaining 71 parking spaces allocated amongst the 138 general market apartments equating to a ratio of 0.51 spaces for each private residential apartment.”

Also, on page 53, paragraph 6 was amended to read, “Policy: No policy objections given that there is to be an increase in affordable units by 16

over that as previously approved. Should permission be granted the legal agreement should be amended to include an updated schedule of accommodation.”


It was reported that the Environment Agency had no further objections to the application.”


The original scheme was approved at Plans Sub-Committee 1 on 15 March 2012 and Councillor Nicky Dykes was concerned at potential loss of parking, a reduction in wheelchair units and amenity space and referred to a recent appeal decision which acknowledged that balcony windows gave the perception of overlooking and suggested obscured glazing.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that the application BE DEFERRED, without prejudice to any future consideration to seek an increase in car parking spaces and details of obscure glazing to limit concerns of potential overlooking. 


Supporting documents: