Agenda item


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions to this Committee must be received in writing 4 working days before the date of the meeting.  Therefore please ensure questions are received by the Democratic Services Team by 5 pm on Tuesday 6 June 2017.


The following oral questions were received from Mr Adrian Lawrence:-


Question 1


‘Why is there no mention of custom and self-build serviced plots being identified or made available in the Local Plan?’


Chairman’s Response


The Council publicises the Self-build and Custom Build Register on its website and how the register will be used. Planning Policy Guidance states “Relevant authorities with plan-making functions should use their evidence on demand for this form of housing from the registers that relate to their area in developing their Local Plan and associated document”.


At the time of preparing the Draft Local Plan and the decision to consult on the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan there was no evidence of demand for self-build and custom build.


In line with the PPG the Self-build and Custom Build Register will form part of the evidence for future plan making and demand will be kept under review. The Council will use the Authority Monitoring Report to monitor the demand from the register. With the requirement for a register to be kept from April 2016 this will be included in the 2016/17 Authority Monitoring Report. If monitoring shows that it is necessary, the Council may issue Supplementary Planning Guidance to supplement the Local Plan housing policies for this matter.


Supplementary Question


Without reference to this in the Local Plan, does the Council consider the Local Plan will be found to be sound.


Chairman’s Response


It does.


Question 2


‘Why has the statutory duty to consider council asset disposal for such schemes been overlooked? For example, Banbury House, The Civic Centre, Hawes Down Clinic etc.’


Chairman’s Response


In so far as this is a planning matter, the response is similar to that given for Question 1.  If necessary the Council may issue Supplementary Planning Guidance to supplement the Local Plan housing policies for this matter.


In response, Mr Lawrence advised that as the Local Plan covered a period of 20 years, the Council should be more aware in regard to tenure of housing.



The following written question was received from Mr Clive Lees, Chairman, Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society in regard to 14 Highland Road, Bromley:-


‘This important Locally Listed property was redeveloped approximately three years ago and this Society first made a planning enforcement complaint in January 2015 on account of, first,  a number of Conditions not being fulfilled and secondly, the development not been completed in accordance with the permitted planning application.  Since that time there have been two stalled planning applications and two referrals by us to DCC yet still nothing has happened on the ground.  We are at a loss to know why privacy screens have not been fitted nor a roof on the bike shed to make it usable let alone all the other issues such as the addition of an extra window (not shown in the approved plans) and the absence of any soft landscaping on the drive.  We should be grateful for clarification about when action will be taken to ensure the proper completion of this development.’


The Chairman’s written response is set out below:-


‘As a result of the planning enforcement process an application was submitted to the Council under ref, DC/16/03890/MATAMD. However, the Development Control Officer had no response to requests for amended plans.  The case is now with our enforcement team in order for them to take further action.  A Breach of Condition Notice against the current breach of planning control is being considered. We will be in a position to give Mr Lees further information by 30 June and will contact him by then.’