Agenda item

(17/02274/B8RES) - 53 Liddon Road, Bromley BR1 2SR




Description of application – Change of use from Class B8 (storage and distribution) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to form 11 flats at 53 Liddon Road (56 day application for prior approval in respect of air quality, transport and highways, contamination, flooding risks, noise impacts, sustainability and impact on provision of storage and distribution services under Class P, Part 3 of the GPDO).


On page 23 of the Chief Planner’s report the first paragraph under the heading, ‘Proposal’ was amended to read, “The proposal seeks change of use from Class B8 (storage and distribution) to class C3 (dwellinghouses) to form 11 flats at 53 Liddon Road”.


A further letter in support of the application had been received and circulated to Members.


Councillor Colin Smith referred to his knowledge of the local area and to the cumulative parking stress for local residents and emphasised that housing suitable for families was required rather than one bedroom units.  Following discussion Members preferred the site be retained for business purposes.  However it was confirmed that it was a non-designated site under the Draft Local Plan. The Chief Planner’s representative reminded Members of the criteria to take into consideration in the determination of the application.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reason:-

1.  The proposal would result in increased parking pressure on roads where parking is already very limited and in an area of poor public transport access, detrimental to the amenities of the area contrary to the objectives of the Transport chapter of the Unitary Development Plan, Policies T3 and T18 of Unitary Development Plan, the National Planning Framework and Draft Local Plan Policy 30. The proposal is therefore not considered to comply with Class P of the General Permitted Development Order (2015) as amended. 


Supporting documents: