Agenda item

(17/02330/FULL1) - 173-175 High Street, Orpington, BR6 0LW





Description of application - Demolition of existing building, and erection of a 4 storey building with retail on ground floor, with 8 residential units above.


It was reported that the first paragraph on page 61should be deleted. 


A late representation had been received and circulated to Members.

Members having considered the report, RESOLVED that PERMISSION be GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Chief Planner with amendments to Conditons 4 and 8

and a further condition and informative to read:-

“4.  Notwithstanding the details submitted as part of this application, details of a surface water drainage system (including storage facilities where necessary) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development hereby permitted is commenced and the approved system shall be completed before any part of the development hereby permitted is first occupied, and permanently retained thereafter.

REASON:  To ensure satisfactory surface water drainage provision.

8.  Before the development hereby permitted is occupied arrangements shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and be put in place to ensure that, with the exception of disabled persons entitled to a blue badge, no resident of the development shall obtain a resident’s parking permit within any controlled parking zone which may be in force in the vicinity of the site at any time.

REASON: Reason: In order to comply with Policy T3 of the Unitary Development Plan and to avoid development without adequate parking or garage provision, which is likely to lead to parking inconvenient to other road users and would be detrimental to amenities and prejudicial to road safety.

12.  The development hereby permitted shall incorporate measures to minimise the risk of crime and to meet the specific needs of the application site and the development. Details of these measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted, and implemented in accordance with the approved details. The security measures to be implemented in compliance with this condition shall seek to achieve the "Secured by Design" accreditation awarded by the Metropolitan Police.

REASON:  In the interest of security and crime prevention and to accord with Policies H7 and BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan.

INFORMATIVE 3:  You should consult Street Naming and Numbering/Address Management at the Civic Centre on 020 8313 4742, email regarding Street Naming and Numbering.”



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