Agenda item

Care Services Portfolio Plan Priorities 2017/18


Report CS18079


The Committee considered a report outlining the draft Portfolio Plan priorities for 2017/18.


The draft Care Services Portfolio Plan 2017/18 comprised four priority outcomes in line with the Local Authority’s “Building a Better Bromley” vision of creating an environment where people could lead healthier, more independent and self-reliant lifestyles, with a clear focus on supporting the most vulnerable.  The four priority outcomes reflected the revised Portfolio structure for Care Services and were underpinned by eight Outcome Statements and 41 aims that defined the supporting Social Care, Health and Housing action plans and measures.  Members were advised that the target for Priority Outcome 2.1 which related to Adults receiving Direct Payments had been increased to a more ambitious target of 20% following publication of the draft Portfolio Plan at the request of the Portfolio Holder for Care Services.


The Chairman noted the delay in producing the draft Care Services Portfolio Plan 2017/18 which was as a result of changes to the Portfolio structure for Care Services, and requested that the Care Services Portfolio Plan 2018/19 be provided to the Care Services PDS Committee prior to the start of the 2018/19 municipal year. 


In considering the need to robustly monitor the performance of external providers delivering commissioned services, the Interim Director: Programmes noted that the Local Authority benefitted from a rigorous contracts monitoring approach and that the Programmes and Commissioning teams worked closely with external providers to ensure quality services were maintained.  An annual satisfaction survey for Bromley residents was not undertaken; however there was a programme of user satisfaction surveys within the Adult Social Care service which provided service user feedback.  A Member suggested that a dashboard approach might be useful for performance monitoring across the Care Services Portfolio.  Another Member underlined that any risks related to the provision of services by external agencies or partners should be included in the risk register.


A Co-opted Member highlighted Priority Outcome 3.2.4 which related to the development of cross-cutting health and social care commissioning strategies including older people, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health needs.  The Interim Director: Programmes confirmed that this would also include people with physical disabilities.  Initial scoping work to develop the commissioning strategies was in progress and a consultation on the proposals would be undertaken in early 2018. 


A Member requested that future Portfolio plans include aims supporting closer working with the Third Sector and addressing the issue of social isolation.  In response to a question from the Member relating to Priority Outcome 4.1, the Director: Housing explained that the 2017/18 target for the number of households approaching the Local Authority for housing advice services whose situation was resolved had been set at a lower rate than the previous year in anticipation of a significant increase in demand for the service when Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 came into force in April 2018.  A Co-opted Member was concerned to note that a number of aims within Priority Outcome 2 did not have an agreed target and asked that meaningful measures be developed.


The Chairman requested that the draft Care Services Portfolio Plan 2018/19 be provided to Members in advance of its consideration at Care Services PDS Committee to allow Members’ an opportunity to give initial feedback.  A Member requested that any images used in future Portfolio plans reflected the full diversity of service users within the Care Services Portfolio.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder for Care Services be recommended to agree the Care Services Portfolio Plan 2017/18.

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