Agenda item

(17/04892/FULL1) - 128 Jackson Road, Bromley, BR2 8NX.





Description of application - Demolition of 128-130 Jackson Road and outbuildings and redevelopment with a 2 storey terrace of four 3 bedroom dwellinghouses with associated landscaping, parking, cycle and refuse stores and boundary treatments.


Oral representations in objection to the application were received at the meeting.  A late submission from the agent had been received and circulated to Members.


This section of Jackson Road consisted of older dwellings in a semi-rural setting and Ward Member, Councillor Michael’s view, was that the proposed development would be an inappropriate overdevelopment of the site that would change the character of the road and overlook 10 Hathaway Close and she objected to the application.


Councillor Auld had visited the site.  Councillors Auld and Joel’s view was that the site was developable and they agreed with Councillor Michael that it would be an over development of the site and preferred a reduction to three units of the same size to prevent overlooking. 


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that THE APPLICATION BE DEFERRED, without prejudice to any future consideration, to SEEK THE SUBMISSION OF REVISED PLANS FOR THE ERECTION OF THREE SMALL DETACHED COTTAGE STYLE DWELLINGS WITH PITCHED ROOFS.


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