Agenda item

(17/03881/FULL1) - 10 Plaistow Lane, Bromley, BR1 3PA





Description of application – Change of use from bar and restaurant (Use Class A3) to a Hot Food Takeaway (Use Class A5) together with minor external alterations comprising a replacement condenser unit, replacement extract flue and redecoration of the shopfront.


It was reported that a late legal objection from the current occupier of the site had been received and circulated to Members. It was reported that the first sentence of the last paragraph on page 88 of the Chief Planner’s report should be amended to read, “The current use operates primarily in the evening between the hours of 16.30-10.00 am Monday to Friday and from 16.30-23.00 on Saturdays and Sundays.”


Councillors Michael and Auld were concerned the change of use from a bar and restaurant to a hot food takeaway would result in sixty percent of moped deliveries and forty percent of customer collections and would cause considerable noise and disturbance to local residents and they objected to the application.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reason:-

1.  The proposal, by reason of the additional noise and disturbance associated with activities relating to the proposed use, would have an adverse impact on the residential amenities of occupants of nearby properties contrary to Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 37 of the Draft Local Plan.


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