Agenda item



Helen McConnell (FM Conway) informed the Group that Phases1,2, and 3 had been completed--with the exception of some final snagging. Some work would be undertaken in the vicinity of St George’s church on Monday 4th June. Work had to be undertaken by Southern Gas which would take several days to complete. Work was now ongoing regarding Phase 5 in the vicinity of Burnhill Road. Work would be undertaken in the vicinity of Coopers Mews in the near future, and a meeting with residents had just taken place to discuss this and to explain procedures. Plans would need to be formalised to re-locate parking on a temporary basis.


Work had also commenced in the vicinity of the Bricklayer’s Arms, and had now reached as far as Deen’s cycle shop. This was phase 8, and work was simultaneously being started on phase 6. An extra team of 4 men had been employed to work extended hours. The work was still on time and on budget.


Councillor Wells declared that there were reports on social media stating that the work had been delayed and that the work would not be completed in time for Christmas. He felt that a counter news story was required.


Mr Goy stated that buses were driving over the cycle box in the vicinity of Foxton’s estate agents. He said that this area was not safe and that it was a bad design. He asked for his comments concerning this to be noted in the minutes. The Chairman responded that traffic engineers had looked into the matter previously and had been satisfied that there were no safety issues that gave any cause for concern.


Mr Goy expressed the view that in many cases, al fresco dining was proving hazardous for pedestrians as pavement space was being constricted. Mr Oliver responded that Marieke Brown (LBB Market and Street Trading Enforcement Officer) had checked all of the distances the previous Friday to ensure that businesses were compliant with the regulations. 


Mr Alan Old referenced ‘La Rascasse’ and asked if the hedges were permanent, and commented that the ‘A’ Boards should not be there. He suggested that a visit from enforcement officers was required. 


Mr Gary Warner informed the Group that a new highways contractor would be taking over the work as from July 1st. The new contractor was J.B. Riney and Co Ltd.    


RESOLVED that the Major Scheme update be noted.



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