Agenda item



Members noted the draft minutes of the meeting that was held on 29th March.


It was mentioned in the minutes that Councillor Tickner had apologised for lateness. The Chairman expressed the view that this was incorrect and that it was Councillor Carr who had apologised for lateness. The minutes of the special meeting that had been held on 25th June had been sent out via email. The Chairman decided that as Members had only recently received the email, the agreement of the minutes for 25th June would be formalised at the next meeting which was scheduled for September 4th. 


A Member pointed out that a report on change controls had been promised but had not been received. Members felt that it would be interesting to see a report that explained how change controls were utilised and operated within the Council. The Chairman suggested that a report relating to change controls should come to the September meeting. The Director of Commissioning (Lesley Moore) stated that it would be more appropriate if a report on change controls came to the December meeting instead.


The Director explained that there were different kinds of change control notices and that she would be providing training on change controls the same week. The Committee agreed that the report on change controls would be incorporated into the Work Programme and assigned to the December meeting. 


A Member mentioned that reports pertaining to change control notices had been looked at previously by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee, and that it was important to avoid duplication. It was suggested that a demonstration of the CDB (Contracts Database) alerting system be given at a future Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee meeting, and that members of the Contracts and Commissioning Sub Committee be invited. 


It was agreed that at the September meeting, an information briefing would be provided concerning change controls, based around the modular training that would be provided by the Director of Commissioning—the report on change controls would be deferred to the December meeting.


The Chairman referenced EU procurement rules, and suggested that a future item on the Work Programme could be a consideration of what changes to procurement could be expected in the future when the UK left the EU. In response, the Head of Commissioning and Procurement (Dave Starling) explained that the rules had been adopted into UK law, and so it was unlikely that anything would change over the next two or three years.


Members were keen to see the letter that had been promised from Bromley Healthcare. The Chairman asked Mr Feven if he could provide sight of this. Mr Feven agreed to disseminate the letter via the Committee Clerk.






1) Subject to the requested amendment to change the name of the Councillor who had given apologies for lateness at the March meeting, the minutes of the meeting held on March 29th were agreed and signed as a correct record.


2) The minutes of the special meeting held on 25th June would be agreed at the next meeting.


3) The Director of Commissioning would provide an information item relating to change controls for the September meeting.


4) A report on Change Controls would be provided for the December meeting.


5) At a future meeting of the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS, a demonstration would be provided of the functionality of the Contracts Database. Members of the Contracts and Commissioning Sub-Committee would be invited.


6) Mr Feven would disseminate the most recent letter from Bromley Healthcare via the Committee Clerk.

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