Agenda item

(18/03444/FULL1) - Land at Junction with Crofton Road Park Avenue, Farnborough, Orpington




Description amended to read, “Temporary consent for security hut adjacent to new cross carriageway gates a Park Avenue Junction with Crofton Road Farnborough Park Orpington, for a time period of 1 year. RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION.”


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.  An email and photograph had been received from the applicant and circulated to Members. 

Ward Member, Councillor Charles Joel, had visited the site with his fellow Ward Members, Councillors Robert Evans and Christopher Marlow and their preference was for overcladding.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that TEMPORARY PERMISSION be GRANTED FOR ONE YEAR,subject to the following conditions:-

“1.  The temporary security hut hereby permitted shall be removed and the land reinstated to its former condition on or before 1 year of the date of this decision notice.

REASON:  In order that the situation can be reconsidered in the light of circumstances at that time in the interest of the amenities of the area.

2.  Details of a revised finish to be used for the external surfaces of the building shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within 1 month of the date of this decision and once approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority shall be implemented within one month of the date of approval.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the appearance of the building and the visual amenities of the area.


Supporting documents: