Agenda item



Virgil Rappa, LBB Town Centre Development Project Planner attended to provide an update on Town Centre Development across the borough. Progress was continuing across the sites that made up the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan.


With regards to Opportunity Site G: West of the High Street, the proposed Churchill Quarter development, the Council’s development team were continuing to liaise directly with property owners regarding site acquisitions, in advance of a planning application that would be considered in early March 2019. Benefits from the development of the site included: 410 new homes, of which 35% would be affordable; transformation of part of the high street and townscape; increased commercial floor space on the ground floor; and the creation of jobs.


Phase 2 of the Bromley Town Centre High Street Public Realm Improvement works had commenced, from the south of the library towards the Elmfield Road junction. Raised planters and new lighting columns had been installed, and a substantial area of new granite paving had been laid. Three further planters were due to be installed shortly. The market had been moved to its permanent location, and feedback indicated it was settling in well. Work was being undertaken to finalise the current design of the Elmfield Road junction, which was expected to be completed by Easter 2019. The carriageway works at the High Street and Elmfield Road junction may require a full road closure for six to eight weeks. Discussions were taking place regarding the provision of temporary bus stops on Kentish Way, and the use of a ‘U-turn’ facility at the top end of the High Street, outside Boots. A meeting regarding this would be taking place with Transport for London, and an update would be provided to the next meeting of the Partnership.


In Beckenham town centre, the public realm improvement works had been substantially completed. The High Street had been returned to two-way traffic and all bus diversions had reverted back to normal. New architectural building lighting and the application of a resin bonded surfacing to the Beckenham Green market area had been completed. There were additional works taking place over the next few weeks, which included the installation of planters at Kelsey Square and Village Way, and any outstanding snagging work. The public realm improvement works in Orpington town centre were in the final stages, and would be completed by March 2019.


The improvement works in Penge High Street were now completed, and cleaning and snagging work would be taking place. As part of the shopfront improvement project, You & Me architecture and their sub-contractors had started work on two shops, which should be completed by March 2019. Members were advised that the Council had been unsuccessful in its Good Growth Fund bid, which had been submitted back in September 2018. Officers would be meeting with representatives from the GLA the following day to get feedback regarding the outcome. Work would be undertaken with the borough’s BID companies regarding a bid to the Future High Street Fund.


RESOLVED that the update on the town centres development programme be noted.