Agenda item



Report ECHS19020


The Sub-Committee considered an update on the performance of services for children as at the end of November 2018.


The Sub-Committee noted that as at the end of November 2018, the following Children’s Scrutiny Dataset key performance indicators were performing below expectation:


Indicator 16: Children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time (AMBER)


The proportion of children becoming subject to a Child Protection plan for a second or subsequent time dropped to 13% at the end of November.  The actual number of children had remained relatively stable over the last quarter, but there had been an increase in the number of children becoming subject to a new plan during this time which impacted on the outturn.  This was the result of an increase in the number of referrals during this period and an increase in the number of Social Work Assessments leading to a Child Protection Conference.  This had been highlighted and discussed at the Children’s Service Improvement Governance Board and had now stabilised.


Indicator 25: Stability of placements of Children Looked After - length of placement (RED)


The length of placement indicator referred to children under the age of 16 who has been in care for 2 and half years or more and had been in their current placement for 2 years or more. Since the previous report in September to the end of November, this increased from 55% to 58% (45 of 78) children who had been in their placement for two years or more.  For those children who had moved placement, the decisions to move these children had all been reviewed and Officers considered that the move was in the best interest of the child and in line with the Council’s improved practice journey and standards, together with safeguarding vulnerable and at risk children from residential placements. The placement stability meetings continued to play a key role in improving care planning and matching to anticipate and strengthen fragile placements.


In response to a question, the Assistant Director for Strategy, Performance and Engagement confirmed that Officers were hopeful that the figures would be closer to the national benchmark, however Bromley’s improvement journey was continuing and there were further improvements to be made.


A Member suggested that in future reports it may be helpful to have a breakdown of the figures in relation to the placement issues as further examination may be required.  The Assistant Director for Strategy, Performance and Engagement stressed that the decisions taken are always in the best interests of a child.  When any placement is first made the judgement made by the Social Worker would have been that it was the right placement.  However, there were a number of reasons why placements may change: a child may achieve permanency or quality assurance standards may increase meaning that a move is deemed in the best interests of the child.


A Member sought the current position in relation to the approval of adoptive placements for children.  It was agreed that the A1 Scorecard most recent outturn would be circulated to the Sub-Committee following the meeting.


The Chairman noted that there was a good upward trend in the number of social workers recruited.  The Chairman suggested that it may be helpful to extend the RAG ratings to further highlight the direction of travel of such non-target measures in the report.


RESOLVED: That the November 2018 outturn of key performance indicators and associated management commentary be noted.

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