Agenda item



Report CSD19010


The Committee received a report from the Monitoring Officer setting out a number of issues for consideration.


(A) Independent Persons


Every principal local authority had to appoint at least one independent person to be consulted by the authority, or by members of the authority on standards issues. Mr Nicolas Marcar had recently resigned from this role, leaving Bromley with just one independent person, Dr Simon Davey. The Council could continue with one independent person, but it was useful to have at least two independent persons, not only to have a broad input at the Committee’s meetings, but also so that different parties were not depending on the same party for independent advice. Another possibility was to try to share independent persons with a neighbouring authority. The appointment could be made by the Committee, and it was proposed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman carry out the interviews.


RESOLVED that adverts be placed to recruit a new independent person. 


(B) Whistle-blowing procedures


The Committee was provided with a copy of the Council’s Whistle-blowing procedures. It was proposed that the Committee look at the procedure and how effective it was in more detail at the next meeting – Members asked for information about the number and types of reports. The procedures could be used by agency staff, consultants and contractors – it was confirmed that major contractors had been provided with copies of posters advertising the procedure.


RESOLVED that a more detailed report be considered at the next meeting.


(C) Committee for Standards in Public Life


Members noted that the Committee on Standards in Public life was expected to publish its report on local government ethical standards on 30th January 2019.


(D) Dispensations


Members noted the schedule of dispensations granted by the Monitoring Officer.


(E) Gifts and Hospitality


Under the Code of Conduct, Members were required to declare gifts and hospitality received due to their role as councillors over the value of £25. This threshold had been in place for many years, and the Committee considered whether it was appropriate to raise it.


Gifts and hospitality received by the Mayor were not usually declared on the Register of Interests as they usually related to the office of Mayor rather than to the individual concerned (although a record was still kept through the Mayor’s Office.) The Committee considered whether the Mayor’s Consort, in circumstances when they were also a serving councillor, should be required to register gifts and hospitality received while acting as consort. Members concluded that it would still be safer and more transparent if a consort who was also a councillor continued to declare gifts and hospitality in these circumstances.




(1) The threshold for declaring gifts and hospitality should remain at £25.


(2) The Mayor’s Consort, if a serving Councillor, should continue to declare gifts and hospitality received in his role as consort.


(F) Register of Interests


A paper copy of the Register of Interests was available for inspection at the meeting.


(G) Work Programme


The Committee considered its work programme for future meetings. At the next meeting they expected to consider the whistle-blowing procedure, the report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life on local government ethical standards, the appointment of a new independent person and a potential change to disqualification rules by the Government.

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