Agenda item



Report FSD19037


Based on expenditure and activity levels to 31 December 2018, the latest 2018/19 budget monitoring position for the portfolio shows an under-spend of £675k with the controllable budget projected to underspend by £689k at year-end.


Details were provided of the projected outturn with a forecast of spend against

each relevant service area compared to the latest approved budget. Background to variations was also outlined. 


Concerning the Parking Service, a net deficit of £174k is projected for on and off street parking income due to continued reduced parking use. A potential £415k income shortfall in parking enforcement is also due to a reduced level of parking contraventions - an outcome of reduced visitor numbers to town centres. Officers are looking to establish whether the Parking Services contract is performing as well as possible. 


The contract has scope to increase the level of Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) and a Member felt this acceptable provided PCN income funds the increase; should it be necessary to pay for an increase (outside of PCN income), increased use of cars and motorcycles by CEOs might be more appropriate.


March 2019 was APCOA’s best month for issuing PCN’s since contract start and APCOA’s new contract manager looked to be performing well. Officers intend to report progress at the June Committee meeting and APCOA will attend the Committee’s meeting on 5th September 2019. By the June meeting, it is also hoped that measures on CEO staff retention will have had an impact. Part-year vacancies in the client team continued as the new contract settles down and fewer issues arise; the vacancies were retained should action be necessary on minimal performance progress by APCOA. However, within the next month, the shared parking team will be re-structured (given APCOA’s improved performance).


It was confirmed that APCOA’s performance for L B Bexley can be compared to their performance for L B Bromley. Performance for L B Bromley often mirrors performance for L B Bexley but there are differences in how the service is run in each borough; both boroughs were issuing defaults to APCOA.


Concerning over-running street works, these are closely monitored and fixed penalty notices and fines can be issued against utilities taking excessive time to complete works. The type of repair by utility companies to rectify a problem is often determined according to a points system. As such, it might be more cost effective for a utility company to continue carrying out repairs rather than invest in new pipework. On concerns from Cllr Stevens (Biggin Hill) about the condition of infrastructure at Biggin Hill, officers can challenge utility companies about making continual repairs rather than invest in replacing assets. 


An under-spend of £120k will be carried forward for work on a direct debit payment service for users of the green garden waste scheme. Work will not start until April 2019 and had been delayed due to mobilisation of the environmental contracts. The Assistant Director of Environment provided general background on what is involved to enable the direct debit service and it will be necessary to liaise with IT officers on when a system can be implemented.


Concerning a staffing under-spend within Street Scene and Green Space, vacancies had been held open upon further clarity of staffing requirements following mobilisation of the environmental contracts. The offer is now known, in particular what the enforcement service should look like, and approval will be sought for a package of recruitments.     


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the latest 2018/19 budget projection for the Environment & Community Services Portfolio.


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