Agenda item



Report ECHS19036


The Board considered an update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


It had been agreed that there would be a three yearly update cycle for the main sections of the JSNA, with further needs assessments or shorter JSNA chapter updates on specific areas of needs in between. Work was currently underway to update smaller chapters of the JSNA and undertake more in depth needs assessments. The Older People JSNA chapter was last developed in 2016. This had now been updated, and was published in January 2019 in order to support the Ageing Well Strategy that had recently been developed.


A Learning Disabilities JSNA chapter was last developed in 2015. This would now be updated and published in order to support the Joint Learning Disabilities Strategy that was currently in development. A sexual health needs assessment was also currently in development. Further pieces of work planned for this year included an Older People’s needs assessment, GP practice profiles, Ward profiles and School profiles. Work planned for the following year included learning disabilities needs assessment, cancer and diabetes. In response to a question, the Consultant in Public Health confirmed that the sexual health needs assessment would be linked to the updated SRE guidance, and would be an in depth needs assessment looking at past, present and future needs.


In response to a question from a Board Member, the Managing Director: Bromley CCG clarified that ‘excess winter deaths’ were deaths over and above the number expected in a period. It was noted that there was usually a double peak in excess deaths – during the winter and summer.


A Board Member enquired if a study had been undertaken to look at where falls took place outside of the home to identify if there were specific areas of roads and pavements that were particularly unsteady. The Director: Public Health advised that an assessment had been undertaken, and a Falls Task and Finish Group had been established the previous year, which reported back through the Integrated Commissioning Board. The assessment had provided figures of where falls happened and had highlighted that outside of the home, falls tended to be rare. This information was not collected routinely, which was why this specific piece of work had been undertaken. The London Ambulance Service and hospitals were able to provide data, but there was not continuous surveillance of it. The Chairman requested that the update report on the Integrated Commissioning Board scheduled to be provided to the Health and Wellbeing Board in September be brought forward to the next meeting on 18th July 2019.


In response to a question, the Consultant in Public Health clarified that ‘upper-tier’ Local Authorities were county councils, and city, borough and district councils were known as 'lower-tier' authorities.


A Board Member noted that it was a very interesting report that provided a good insight, but questioned if costs had been factored into the transformational programme. The Leader of the Council responded that he could not say with certainty as the future demand was not known, or whether it would fall to the London Borough of Bromley or health partners. The Chairman noted that a green paper on this topic was currently awaited.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.

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