Agenda item

(19/00651/FULL1) - Land adjacent to Rochester House, 2-10 Belvedere Road, Anerley, London, SE19 2AT.




Description of application – Demolition of existing bin store fronting Belvedere Road and removal of 6 no. car parking spaces to the courtyard with erection of 4 bedroom three storey town house with associated car parking an replacement bin store.


Oral representations from Ward Member Councillor Marina Ahmad in objection to the application were received at the meeting.


The Planning Officer reported that:-


(a)  the final sentence of the first paragraph on page 111 had been amended to read: ‘On the basis that there would be 26 retained spaces to serve the flats …………..’


 (b)  a 3D visual from the applicant’s agent showing the proposed site view had been received and circulated to Members;


(c)  should Members decide to grant permission, a condition in relation to refuse collection should be added.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-


1  The proposed dwelling, by reasons of its design would appear incongruous and out of character with the surrounding area, detrimental to the visual amenities of neighbouring residents and the appearance of the Belvedere Road Conservation Area, contrary to Policies 37 and 41 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019) and Supplementary Planning Guidance No 1 General Design Principles and No 2 Residential Design Guidance, Belvedere Road Supplementary Planning Guidance and Policies 3.5, 7.6 and 7.8 of the London Plan (2016).


2  The proposed development, by reason of its design, siting and layout would give rise to an unacceptable loss of outlook to the occupiers of surrounding properties, whilst leading to a significant loss of privacy by way of overlooking to future occupants of the proposed dwelling, contrary to Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019) and Supplementary Planning Guidance No 1 General Design Principles and No 2 Residential Design Guidance.


3  The proposal has the potential to lead to an increase in local residents parking on surrounding streets, thus generating considerable pressure to on-street car parking, leading to a significant risk to traffic and pedestrian safety, by reasons of illegal or unsuitable parking and on-street manoeuvring, which would be prejudicial to the free flow of traffic conditions and general safety in the highway, contrary to Policy 30 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019).

Supporting documents: