Agenda item



Julie Lowe, Programme Director, OSEL STP and Tom Henderson, OHSEL STP presented the item.


In response to questions from Cllr Adilypour about staffing challenges and services for those that have gambling problems, Julie Lowe, Programme Director OSEL STP responded that staffing across SEL NHS is approximately 46,000.  This does not include staff in care homes and other settings.  The current vacancy rate ranges from 5-6% and there are differences when looking at profession groups.  An example of where there was a higher vacancy rate was radiographers for cancer screening. She explained that there were differences in boroughs also and said that Lewisham and Greenwich Trust found it more difficult to recruit staff due to the differences in pay, but once recruitment was made, retention levels were higher. 


The Programme Director (PD), OHSEL STP reported that plans to work with education providers were in place to address this by providing learning pathways that lead to Health professions.  Apprenticeships were being made more attractive for people to apply to.  There were plans for identifying local housing for health professionals so that they do not have to commute too far.


A People Plan is currently being updated and would be brought to this Committee in September.




In respect of services for people with gambling problems, the PD, OHSEL STP reported that there was only one clinic in England and this was based in London. The long term plan will seek to rollout this provision and be in a position to have at least five clinics across London.


In response to Cllr Diment’s questions about the engagement events and feedback received, officers present responded that engagement was part of the national policy and the public was made aware of engagement events through a number of channels that included social media and newsletters.  CCG’s also promoted the events locally.  2 events took place on Lewisham and Bexley.  These saw attendance of 100 people in total.  Healthwatch had conducted a survey that had received 1000 responses.  Feedback from these was to be analysed so that details of demographics could be drawn.  She was aware that the Healthwatch survey had attracted responses from some young residents.


Members expressed their disappointment at the level of responses at local engagement, i.e. 200 across two borough events and felt that perhaps the engagement strategy was not robust enough as they had not had any knowledge of these taking place.


The PD, OHSEL STP responded that this is a start and that would be more events over the summer.  However, she was worried that the messages were not coming through to Councillors and as requested by Members, will be able to circulate details of events.




In response to a question from Councillor Johnston-Franklin about digitisation of health services, the PD, OHSEL STP responded that there was a big range from people who wanted all digital access to those that wanted none.  It was really difficult to gauge the level of digitisation required and a consultation was being carried out which would inform national standards for digital service provision.  She felt that there was a need to proceed with caution and that patient representatives were on the NHS group looking at this, especially in relation to Information Governance. She also reported that General Practitioners wanted flexibility to choose the level of digital service they would provide.


Councillor Muldoon reported that he had attended one of these events and felt that STP were finding it difficult to engage with those that were easily reached and it might be foolish for engagements events to take place in the summer.  He asked that activity not be confused with outcome.


In response to questions from Cllr Olisa about process and next steps, the PD, OHSEL responded that the long term plan superseded all other plans, but existing plans would link into the 10-year plan and generally would be an evolution of what was already being done.  Additional engagement would take place in boroughs to take stock of what was learnt and would be fed back on a borough level basis. 

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