Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 27 November 2019


The Committee considered the following reports on the Part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 27 November 2019



  Report FSD19102


The Committee considered a report which provided the second budget monitoring position for 2019/20 based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of September 2019.


Referring to the £2m overspend, the Chairman emphasised the need for continuous efforts to be made to stay within budget.  The Director of Finance confirmed that the principle to contain costs was ever present and there needed to be justification and management action in place to mitigate against any overspends recognising that in some cases the overspend fell outside the Council’s direct control.


The report identified expenditure pressures which could have an impact on future years, particularly in the areas of Adult Care and Children’s Social Care.  Additional Government funding was expected next year however, these areas would still remain under pressure.


Where an overspend was the result of activity, the Council would need to be satisfied there was still enough value for money in that activity to support any additional spend.


Councillor Tickner queried the request for a further £25k to cover business rate charges, one of which was in a BID area.  The Director of Finance agreed to confirm with Councillor Tickner who would be responsible for paying this.


Discussion turned to the impact of the election on the local government settlement for 2020/21.  The Director of Finance advised that the statutory deadline for agreeing Council Tax was 11 March.  It was not clear when the final settlement would be known which could impact on the dates and arrangements for the final decisions to be made by Members.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to:-


1.  consider the latest financial position;

2.  note that a projected net overspend on services of £1,578k is forecast based on information as at September 2019;

3.  consider the comments from Chief Officers detailed in Appendix 2 of the report;

4.  note a projected variation of £281k debit from investment income as detailed in sections 3.5 and 3.6 of the report;

5.  note a projected increase to the General Fund balance of £814k as detailed in section 3.3 of the report;

6.  note the full year cost pressures of £5.2m as detailed in section 3.4 of the report;

7.  note the return of £37k to the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to the Exchequer contract inflation as detailed in paragraph 3.2.2 of the report;

8.  note the return of £40k to the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to the Mortuary contract as detailed in para. 3.2.2;

9.  note the return of £91k to the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to the Exchequer contract as detailed in paragraph 3.2.2 of the report;

10.  agree to the release of £217k credit from the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to savings allocated to the review of staffing as detailed in paragraph 3.2.3 of the report;

11.  agree to the release of £42k from the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to additional costs of blue badge costs as detailed in paragraph 3.2.4 of the report;

12.  agree to the release of £25k from the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to savings allocated to the review of staffing as detailed in paragraph 3.2.5 of the report;

13.  agree to the release of £200k from the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to savings allocated to the review of staffing as detailed in paragraph 3.2.6 of the report;

14.  agree to the release of £659k from the 2019/20 Central Contingency relating to additional allocation of Better care Funding by NHS England as detailed in paragraph 3.2.7 of the report;

15.  agree the allocation of £700k from the Better Care Fund to offset pressures in Adult Social Care as detailed in paragraph 3.2.8 of the report;

16.  identify any issues that should be referred to individual Portfolio Holders for further action.


  Report FSD19096


The Committee considered a summary of the current position on capital expenditure and receipts following the 2nd quarter of 2019/20.  The report also sought the Executive’s approval to a revised Capital Programme.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to:-


1.  note the report, including a total rephasing of £10,323k from 2019/20 into future years and agree a revised Capital Programme (see paragraph 3.3.7 of the report);


2.  approve the following amendments to the Capital Programme:-


a.  reduction of £177k on Devolved Formula Capital 2019/20 scheme (see paragraph 3.3.1of the report);


b.  deletion of £2k residual balance on Care Home Improvements to Environment for Older People scheme (see paragraph 3.3.2of the report);


c.  increase of £2k on Carbon Management Programme scheme (see paragraph 3.3.3of the report);


d.  recommend that Council approves an increase of £1,208k SEND Provision Capital funding to the Basic Need scheme (see paragraph 3.3.4of the report);


e.  increase of £499k on London Private Sector Renewal scheme and £117k on Disabled Facilities Grant scheme to reflect the total funding available (see paragraph 3.3.5of the report); and 


f.  recommend that Council approves an increase of £1,385k to the Section 106 receipts from developers - as detailed in paragraph 3.3.6 of the report.



  Report FSD19094


The Committee considered a proposal that the Empty Homes Premium be introduced from April 2020 at the rate of 50% for properties empty for longer than 2 years, increasing to 100% where the property had been empty for 5 years.


Councillor Dunn urged officers to ensure that the following year’s public consultation exercise set out all options available for consideration.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to:-


1.  consider the responses to the public consultation exercise at Appendices 1 and 2 of the report;


2.  consider the Equality Impact Assessment at Appendix 3 of the report; and


3.  agree that the Authority introduce the Empty Homes Premium from the financial year 2020/21 at the rate of 50% for properties empty longer than 2 years, increasing to 100% where the property has been empty for 5 years. 



  Report FSD19095


The Committee considered a report setting out the result of the public consultation exercise and seeking approval of the scheme to be forwarded to Full Council.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to:-


1.  consider the updated Impact Assessment at Appendix 1 of the report;


2.  consider the responses to the public consultation exercise at Appendices 2 and 3 of the report;


3.  consider whether the Council Tax Support/Reduction scheme for 2020/21 retains the calculation of entitlement for working-age claimants on 75% of the households Council Tax liability. Thereby the maximum assistance provided to a claimant of working-age is 75% of his/her Council Tax liability; and


4.  subject to the outcome of recommendations 1-3 above, recommend the Council Tax Support/Reduction scheme for 2020/21 to Council.



  Report DRR19/051


The Committee considered procurement processes in relation to a proposal to move Beckenham Library from its current site into Beckenham Public Hall – in Copers Cope Ward - a Grade II listed building with significant potential for community use and situated in a more central town location.  Members were also requested to consider the option of making the existing Beckenham Library site available for housing.


Referring to the lifetime of this project, the Chairman considered the procurement process should be looking for the best quality possible.  To ensure that 60/40 price/quality weightings were retained, he suggested that Open Tender be used to procure the multi-disciplinary team.  In this regard, the Chairman moved that the Executive be recommended to agree to use the above Open Tender process.


Committee Member and Ward Member for Copers Cope Ward, Councillor Tickner, reported concern that a signed petition against the proposed Library relocation was entitled ‘Closure of Beckenham Library’.  The report considered at the Renewal, Recreation and Housing PDS meeting on 3 November was just a feasibility study for relocation of the library and there were definitely no plans to close the Library.  Referring to the ‘’ website, Councillor Wilkins clarified that the petition was entitled “Save Beckenham Library”, with the following text “We call on Bromley Council to retain Beckenham Library on its current site…” 


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to agree that Open Tender is used to procure the multi-disciplinary team, rather than ADUP, so that the Council’s 60/40 price/quality weightings are retained.




  Report DRR19/053


The Committee considered a summary of the initial feasibility work undertaken in relation to the current site of West Wickham Library and Station Road car park in West Wickham to provide approximately 34 residential units and 500sqm of commercial unit.


The report recommended that further feasibility work be undertaken in order to fully assess the viability of the scheme and a procurement exercise be run concurrently to appoint a multi-disciplinary design team.  The results of this further work would be reported to a meeting of the Executive in spring 2020.


Members also considered additional confidential information set out in the accompanying Part 2 (Exempt) report (DRR19/054).


Referring to the lifetime of this project, the Chairman considered the procurement process should be looking for the best quality possible.  To ensure that 60/40 price/quality weightings were retained, he suggested that Open Tender be used to procure the multi-disciplinary team.  In this regard, the Chairman moved that the Executive be recommended to agree to use the above Open Tender process.


RESOLVED: That the Executive is recommended not to agree recommendation 2.4, but is instead recommended to approve an Open Tender procurement strategy, rather than ADUP, so that the Council’s 60/40 price/quality weightings are retained.