Agenda item

(19/03259/FULL1) - 2 Woodland Way, Petts Wood, Orpington, BR5 1ND





Description of application – Replacement of existing dwelling with two detached dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received at the meeting.  The Assistant Director Planning’s representative reported that late comments had been received from the Tree Officer. 


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to Policy 3 of the Bromley Local Plan and suggested Members take into consideration whether the proposed development were a backland garden development and also to consider the Area of Special Residential Character.


Ward Member, Councillor Owen, referred to the Ordnance Survey Plan on page 137 of the Assistant Director Planning’s report and his view was that the proposed development on the small plot of land was an overdevelopment and would affect the character of the area, contrary to paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (vi) of the Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character guidance and also failed to comply with Policies 3 and 44 of the Local Plan.


He read out many of the objections from pages 120 and 121 of the report and referred to the reasons for previously refused application 15/03933/FULL1 set out on page 124.


Councillor Owen also referred to page 126, the second and third paragraphs, Policies 3 and 4 and objected to the application for the following reasons:-


·  the site layout,

·  the quality of the surrounding area

·  backland development

·  lack of amenity space

·  the overall quality of the area

·  width separation

·  out of character with the area


Further, Councillor Owen referred to paragraphs 2 and 3 on Page 129 of the report and drew Members’ attention to the angle within the respective plots.  He objected to application and proposed refusal for all the above reasons and also for being an overdevelopment, out of character and that the proposed development did not fit the garden suburb and he requested that a copy of the extract from The Bromley Local Plan with regard to The Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character be appended to these minutes, ‘Annex A’


Ward Member, Councillor Onslow, agreed with Councillor Owen and seconded refusal.


Councillor Charles Joel had visited the site and his view was that the site was not backland, it merited development and that the proposed design would complement the area and he moved permission.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED, for the following reasons:- 

 1. The proposal would be an overdevelopment of the site on land which is not previously developed, out of character with the spatial characteristics of the locality thereby detrimental to its visual amenities and special character, contrary to Policies 3, 4, 8, 37, 44 and Appendix 10.6 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019); Supplementary Planning Guidance No 1 and 2; London Plan Policies 3.4, 3.5 7.4 and 7.6 and the objectives of the NPPF (2019).

2. The application site is a singular plot within the Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character and the proposal would deteriorate the special character of the area, thereby contrary to Policy 44 and Appendix 10.6 of the Bromley Local Plan (2019).



At the request of the Petts Wood and Knoll Members the objector’s statement was received by Democratic Services after the meeting and a copy is on the planning file.


The vote for refusal was 8:1.


Supporting documents: