Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on


The Committee considered the following reports on the Part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 12 February 2020


(6)  2020/21 COUNCIL TAX

Report FSD20022


The report identified the final issues affecting the 2020/21 revenue budget and sought recommendations to the Council on the level of the Bromley element of the 2020/21 Council Tax and Adult Social Care precept.  Confirmation of the final GLA precept would be reported to the Council meeting on 24th February 2020. The report also sought final approval of the ‘schools budget’. The approach reflected in the report was for the Council to not only achieve a legal and financially balanced budget in 2020/21 but to have measures in place to deal with the medium term financial position (2021/22 to 2023/24).


The Director of Finance confirmed that the Council had received the provisional settlement for 2020/21 and it was not expected to change.  Members noted however that there remained uncertainty around the settlement for future years.


The Committee also noted that the Dedicated Schools Grant for 2020/21 had been confirmed and considered at the meeting of the Children, Education and Families PDS Committee on 30 January 2020.


Members highlighted the importance of challenging and scrutinising contributions that were made through the London Boroughs Grants Committee.  It was noted that the contributions were a legal requirement however, Members suggested that representations should be made regarding the requirement to contribute as the residents of Bromley did not directly benefit.  It was agreed that there should be greater publicity of the availability of these grants amongst Residents’ Associations and charitable organisations in the Borough in order to encourage them to apply.


The Vice-Chairman noted that Bromley was unique in that investment income provided a substantial level of income which made a big difference to the Council’s financial position.  The Vice-Chairman suggested that investment income should therefore be identified as a separate line item within the budget.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to recommend to Council that it


  1. Approve the schools budget of £79.506m which matches the estimated level of Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), after academy recoupment;


  1. Approve the draft revenue budgets for 2020/21;


  1. Agree that Chief Officers identify alternative savings/mitigation within their departmental budgets where it is not possible to realise any savings/mitigation reported to the previous meeting of the Executive held on 15th January 2020;


  1. Approve a contingency sum of £12,622k;


  1. Approve the following provisions for levies for inclusion in the budget for 2020/21;




London Pension Fund Authority*


London Boroughs Grant Committee


Environment Agency (Flood defence etc.) *


Lee Valley Regional Park*




* Provisional estimate at this stage


  1. Notes the latest position on the GLA precept, which will be finalised in the overall Council Tax figure to be reported to full Council (see section 12);


  1. Considers the Bromley element of the Council Tax for 2020/21 to be recommended to the Council, including a general increase and the Adult Social Care Precept, having regard to possible referendum issues;
  2. Approves the approach to reserves outlined by the Director of Finance;


  1. Notes that any decision on final council tax level will also require additional “technical” recommendations, to meet statutory requirements, which will be completed once the final outcome of levies are known at the full Council meeting;


  1. Agrees that the Director of Finance be authorised to report any further changes directly to Council on 24th February 2020.



  Report FSD20024


The report updated the Council’s Capital Strategy. It also summarised the current position on capital expenditure and receipts following the third quarter of 2019/20 and presented for approval the new capital schemes in the annual capital review process.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to


1.  Note the report, including a total re-phasing of £13.6m from 2019/20 into future years, and agree a revised Capital Programme;


2.  Approve the following amendments to the Capital Programme:

(i)  Increase of £3,141k to the capital programme for a Crystal Palace subway capital scheme,

(ii)  Increase of £115k to the Central Depot Wall Reconstruction, funded by the Infrastructure Investment Fund (earmarked reserve)– agreed by the Executive on January 15th 2020,

(iii)  Increase of £10k to the TfL Bus Priority Programme scheme, funded by a £10k contribution from the Royal Borough of Greenwich,

(iv)  Decrease of £1k to the capital programme to reflect the removal of the Manorfield – Temporary Accommodation scheme from the capital programme,

(v)  Increase of £232k to the Section 106 receipts from developers.


3.   Recommend to Council the inclusion of the new scheme proposals listed in Appendix C in the Capital Programme.




Report CSD20030


The report sought authority to join the London Boroughs Legal Alliance (LBLA) - an alliance of over 20 London Boroughs including the London Fire Brigade - Framework Agreement for Barristers.  The Council became a member of the LBLA in March 2019, with access to the Solicitors and Barristers Framework Agreements.  The Barristers Framework had recently been re-tendered and the new Agreement commenced from 1 January 2020 and ended after a term of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Head of Legal Services confirmed that in the event that specialist advice was required it would be possible to procure outside of the framework if the necessary specialist skills were not available through the framework.


Members noted that the framework encouraged a complaint procurement route.  Within the framework barristers were banded according to experience and with a large number of barristers within the framework offering a range of skills and experience, the Council was not obliged to use the services of any one particular barrister.


Members agreed that going forward a bi-annual update on the performance of the contract should be provided to the Committee.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to


1. --- Agree to join the new LBLA Framework  Agreement for barristers for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further year. 


2.   In the event the LBLA framework is extended by a further year, delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Services to extend to extend  access to the LBLA framework for a further year after the  initial 3 year term.




  Report DRR19/062


The Bromley CCG had formally requested that the Council consider disposing of the former Adventure Kingdom building to them, at market value, so that it could be redeveloped by the CCG for a new Bromley Town Centre Health and Well Being Centre.


The Committee requested that prior to the Executive taking a decision clarification be provided concerning whether any part of the Great Hall fell within the scope of the disposal.


The three Bromley Town Ward Members expressed support for the proposals which they noted would provide a welcome, long overdue addition to the town centre.


RESOLVED: that the Executive be recommended to agree to, in principle, dispose of the Adventure Kingdom site at market value to Bromley CCG and authorises the Assistant Director – Strategic Property to negotiate terms of sale with the CCG subject to a report being made to the Executive for final decision. 




  Report CSD20032


The report set out the proposed maintenance budgets and planned programme for 2020/21.


Noting that three items had been deferred as a result of emergency work, Members sought assurances that there was sufficient investment in building maintenance to ensure that assets were being kept in a good state of repair.  It was agreed that the Committee should review the repair and maintenance reports of existing assets when the Property Portfolio was presented for review in the Autumn.


RESOLVED: That the Executive be recommended to


  1. Approve an overall expenditure of £2.167m for the Building Maintenance budget in 2020/2021, subject to the Council agreeing the budget.


  1. Approve the planned programme in Appendix A of the report.


  1. Delegate authority to the Director of Housing,  Planning, Property and Regeneration to vary the programmes to accommodate any change in the approved budget or where such action is considered necessary to either protect the Council’s assets or make the most effective use of resources.