Agenda item



Report FSD20007


The Committee considered a report setting out the draft Adult Care and Health Portfolio Budget for 2020/21, which incorporated future cost pressures and initial draft budget saving options which were reported to the Council’s Executive on 15th January 2020. Members were requested to provide their comments on the proposed savings and identify any further action to be taken to reduce cost pressures facing the Local Authority over the next four years.


The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing highlighted key points for the Adult Care and Health Portfolio Summary of Budget Variations 2020/21:

-  Growth of £6.1m had been allocated to the Adult Care and Health Portfolio, which included a ‘one-off’ use of the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) budget.

-  £1.7m planned mitigation items.

-  £1.2m of planned savings from the first phase of the Transformation Programme. It was noted that work was ongoing to develop the second stage of the Programme, an update on which would be reported at a future meeting of the Committee.


In response to a question, the Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing advised Members that the 2019/20 overspends on Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Assessment and Care Management had been reflected in next years’ budget, which had resulted in an increase of £2m to the base budget.


A Member noted the staff vacancy factor of £400k, and questioned if this was a realistic saving that could be achieved in this year’s budget. The Director of Adult Social Care responded that the staffing vacancy factor was a corporate approach, which had been taken across all departments, which would be delivered through the Transformation Programme. It was noted that there would be some natural turnover of staff, however some vacant posts may not be recruited to, or the recruitment process may be slowed down to ensure that the right person was brought into the role. In relation to assessments and reassessments, a strength-based approach would be taken. Assessments would take place in a timelier manner, with a focus on not over-prescribing and instead divert to services, therefore providing only what was needed.


A Member queried if the £1.5m listed as the fall out of non-recurring and carry forward iBCF grant included the proposed money allocated for the Care Homes options appraisal. The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing confirmed that it was within the overall iBCF underspend, £1.5m of which would be used as further one off funding in 2020/21.


In response to a question, the Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing advised Members that the figure for the Public Health Grant listed under mitigation would be used in accordance with the ring-fenced grant conditions, and it was noted that this would be used to contribute to the Health Support to Schools service, which was included as an area of growth.


A Member noted that savings had been achieved in sexual health services, and asked if this had been reflected in the budget. The Director for Adult Social Care advised that this was part of the Public Health programme, however this question could be passed on to the  Director of Public Health to provide a response.




1)  The financial forecast for 2020/21 to 2023/24 be noted;


2)  Members’ comments on the initial draft Adult Care and Health Portfolio budget 2020/21 as a basis for setting the 2020/21 budget be noted; and,


3)  Members’ comments on the initial draft Adult Care and Health Portfolio budget 2020/21 be provided to the meeting of the Council’s Executive on 12th February 2020.

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