Agenda item


-  Bromley Town Centre public realm scheme

-  Orpington development

-  Digital infrastructure

-  Economic Development Plan

-  Bromley and Orpington SPDs


Robert Buckley, LBB Head of Renewal provided an update on Town Centre renewal across the Borough.


With regards to Bromley Town Centre, architects had now been appointed to design a small public realm scheme, to include features such as a performance area, covered seating area, water fountain and sculpture. The aim of the scheme was to make the town centre a destination that residents were encouraged to come in to, and interact with the new features. The designs were currently being drawn up and further information would be circulated relating to the online public consultation, which would start from 25th November 2020.

    (ACTION: LBB Head of Renewal)


Mark Haynes, The Glades, noted that it was positive to hear that investment was being made into the infrastructure of the town centre, and enquired as to how the area would look and feel like when it was not being used, and if there was a programme of events for its use. The LBB Head of Renewal said that the intention was for the space to be used as flexibly as possible, and the designs to be provided for public consultation would show the potential for a tiered seating area which could still be used even when no events were taking place. With reference to what the performance area would be used for, Members were advised that this would be an event driven space. The Council would engage with Your Bromley BID Company to create a series of events to attract people into the town centre. Outside this, it was a space that could be used by the community. The Chairman noted that the stage would effectively be the use of a part of the existing pavement.


In Orpington, work was being undertaken on the proposed redevelopment of The Walnuts Shopping Centre, for which some public consultation had already taken place. The developers, Areli Real Estate, were intending to submit a planning application in spring 2021, and included in the plans was the provision of housing; a new leisure centre; day centre; and public realm improvements – plus retail, work space and hospitality offers on the ground floor.


The team were also working on a Digital Infrastructure Strategy, which was centred around place-based infrastructure such as broadband cabling and the provision for wireless connections. A Memorandum of Understanding was being established with BT Openreach, who were the main provider of fibreoptic cables to businesses within the Borough – the aim was for full fibreoptic broadband to be provided to 85% of the Borough by 2023. Similar work was also being undertaken in relation to 4G and 5G networks.


An Economic Development Plan was being produced with the LBB Planning Policy team and the Borough’s Small Business Champion, Councillor Yvonne Bear. This was to help support the economic wellbeing of the Borough, which would include looking at training; tackling unemployment; and enhancing business networks.


Members were advised that Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) would be produced for Bromley and Orpington. These documents supported existing planning policy, but provided more guidance for developers and the Council to bring forward the developments in these areas. Urban design consultants would shortly be appointed to assist the LBB Planning Policy team. The SPDs would be progressed into the next year, and it was noted that consultation events would take place as part of this work.


RESOLVED that the Town Centre Renewal update be noted.