Agenda item

(20/00947/FULL1) - 42 Manor Road, Beckenham, BR3 5LE




Description of application – Conversion and extension of existing dwelling to enable 6 one bedroom, 3 two bedroom and 1 three bedroom apartments to be provided with associated parking, cycle, bin storage, landscaping and new vehicular access.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from Ward Members, Councillors Peter Dean and Christine Harris, in objectionto the application were received at the meeting.  Supplementary information had been received regarding parking stress and circulated to Members.


Ward Member, Councillor Dean, referred to the number of local objections received and the excellent planning report.  In his view the proposed development would be an unacceptable loss to the street character and the amenity to the neighbour and he proposed refusal.


Ward Member, Councillor Christine Harris, had viewed photographs and considered the accurate report together with the proposed roof changes and removal of trees.  She also took into account the road access and loss of parking and she objected to the application.


The Chairman agreed with the Ward Members and the conclusion in the planning report and said that the Victorian property on the corner plot was attractive.


Councillor Alexa Michael said that the application failed on planning grounds and would affect the character of the street with loss of amenity to residents.  She also referred to road safety hazards and loss of street parking and she seconded refual.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED as recommended, for the reasons set out in the report of the Assistant Director, (Planning and Building Control).


The vote was 9:0 for refusal.

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