Agenda item

(20/01200/FULL1) - Lauriston House Nursing Home, Bickley Park Road, Bickley, Bromley, BR1 2AZ




Description of application - Two storey rear extension to provide 27 additional care home bedrooms (Use Class C2), the formation of separate vehicular access to serve 4 car parking spaces and adjoining residential properties at The Lodge and Orchard Cottage, and external alterations to the façade on the existing building, together with alterations to the car parking area and associated cycle parking and landscaping.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.  An email from the agent with two attachments dated 1 September 2020 had been circulated to Members.


Members having considered the report, objections,and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED, SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR COMPLETION OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT for HEALTH £18,360 and PLANNING OBLIGATION MONITORING FEE £500 as recommended, and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Assistant Director, (Planning and Building Control).




Supporting documents: