Agenda item



The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families, Cllr Peter Fortune, attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Committee.  The Portfolio Holder gave a brief introduction highlighting the following issues:-


  • Over Christmas the latest lockdown was imposed and very late in the day notification was given that schools would not be reopening to all children in January.  The Portfolio Holder stressed the importance of recognising that schools were not currently closed, teachers were working, children were learning and children from critical worker families and vulnerable families were in school.  Rather than being closed schools were working differently at the moment.
  • The restrictions placed on school attendance had presented challenges for the Local Authority.  Schools had been supported with the roll out of meal vouchers and with re-opening in January – albeit in a different way – and support with remote online learning was also put in place. 
  • for the majority of schools are accessing the national food voucher programme and the Committee noted that Bromley had not experienced issues with the quality of food parcels experienced by some other areas and reported in the national media.
  • Conversations had taken place with schools to ensure that there was sufficient IT equipment in place. 
  • Four key issues had emerged in the past four weeks:

-  Early Years – there had been some concern around Early Years settings remaining open.  Settings had sought reassurance about safety.  Communications with the settings had been maintained and conversations took place with MPs who had asked conversations of the Minister.  Locally support was provided to Early Years providers to ensure that if they had to close there were no ramifications.

-  Critical Worker Children – in some provisions the numbers had certainly been higher than in “Lockdown 1”.  Local school leaders were having conversations with parents and the Local Authority where there were areas of concern and monitoring would continue.

-  Teacher Testing – the Local Authority has written to schools and Early Years to confirm that testing was available in the Borough and teachers would be supported to access testing where necessary.

-  Exams – DfE had confirmed that it would consult on what would happen with the summer exams and the consultation had started last week.

  • Communication was key and the Local Authority was working hard to maintain communication with all school leaders, providers, vulnerable families, and MPs.  Weekly updates for Councillors had been reinstated and these provided the local context and could be more widely shared where necessary.
  • Excellent work on the Domestic Violence agenda had been undertaken and the Portfolio Holder had attended a workshop delivered by ‘Drive’. 
  • The Corporate Parenting Board continued to meet.
  • The Ofsted Annual Conversation had taken place and excellent feedback received. 


The Portfolio Holder concluded his update by recognising the extraordinary commitment and dedication demonstrated by staff.  Every single member of staff had been focused on ensuring that children and young people were safe.


Cllr Fortune then responded to questions making the following comments:-


  • In terms of the provision of IT equipment for home learning, the Local Authority had been actively reaching out to schools and colleges.  Where reports of families requiring help with technology were received the Local Authority had been responding and using the full extent of the powers it had.  The Committee noted that over 700 devices had been issued and the Local Authority was working with schools to enable them to order additional laptops direct from the DfE where necessary.
  • It was important to recognise the heroic efforts of teachers.  Teachers were teaching, although differently.  Additionally, it was also important to recognise that they had been required to quickly adapt to different ways of teaching.  Teachers were currently doing more work and working longer hours than normal in order to deliver an online curriculum.
  • Conversations had started around the educational gap that would be an inevitable consequence of the Lockdown.  The Local Authority would continue to think about working with partners and the various agencies to ensure that everything possible was done to close progress gaps.
  • There was an expectation that additional funding for Schools post lockdown would come forward, however the situation remained very fluid and confirmation of additional funding had not yet been received.
  • Referrals to the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) had increased by 24%.  Unsurprisingly during a lockdown situation, domestic violence remained the predominant issue although there was a broad spectrum of reasons for referral into the service.


The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for the update and extended its thanks to staff for their commitment and dedication.