Agenda item

(20/00402/FULL1) - Land Adjacent to 15 Sandy Bury, Orpington, BR6 9SD.




Description of application – Erection of a 2 bedroom detached dwelling.


Members referred to the history of the site, its appeal history and to paragraph 1.2 of the Assistant Director, (Planning and Building Control) report with regard to the Housing Land Supply. 


Councillor Charles Joel reminded Members that the Housing Land supply had been agreed by the Development Control Committee 24 September 2020 and the application had initially been considered on 14 May 2020.


Councillor Kieran Terry’s view was that a side extension would be more appropriate for the site.


The Chairman also considered the site to be unsuitable for an individual property.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that TO CONTEST THE APPEAL for the following reason:-

REASON: The proposed development by reason of its design and siting would be out of character and scale with the surrounding area resulting in a cramped overdevelopment of the site which would be detrimental to the character, spatial standards and visual amenities of the area contrary to Policies 3, 4 and 37 of the Bromley Local Plan.


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