Agenda item


To follow


Report ACH20-079


The Council had a contract in place with the Southside Partnership (also known as Certitude) to provide learning disability supported living and community-based day and respite services. Executive approval was obtained in November 2019 to extend the contract for a period of up to two years from 1st October 2020 to 30th September 2022. The Council was unable to reach mutual terms to extend the contract as originally intended, and subsequent negotiation had resulted in a six-month extension of the contract to 31st March 2021.


A Gateway report had sought agreement for the commencement of a procurement process in relation to the supported living element of the Southside contract. This had been approved by the Leader in September 2020, and this service was currently out to tender. In parallel with this, work had progressed to determine options in relation to learning disability community day and respite services.


The current contract value of the day and respite elements was approximately £1.74m and £0.56m per annum respectively, therefore the commencement of tendering as set out in the report required the Leader’s agreement.


Members were advised of the outcomes of the work to determine future models for learning disability day and respite provision and approval was sought to commence procurement to ensure continuity of service provision in relation to respite and to minimise service interruption in relation to day services. The Head of Complex and Long-Term Commissioning said it was proposed for day services would be divided into two parts. The first was complex needs, for those requiring building-based services, and a full procurement exercise would be undertaken. For those not requiring building-based services, services would be developed and delivered from locations within the community.


With regards to the respite provision, it was noted that on occasion, use of planned respite had been low, however use of the emergency respite provision had increased considerably due to the pandemic. As a result, it was proposed to re-procure the existing provision at 118 Widmore Road, and undertake a review of future respite provision.


Councillor Mary Cooke re-joined the meeting and resumed the Chair.


A Member noted concerns regarding elements of the proposals and sought reassurances. In particular, this related to moving the community provision to direct payments, as this could result in fewer services being sustainably delivered. A further concern was raised regarding the 50 complex and 150 non-complex split, and the implications if this balance changed significantly. The Head of Complex and Long-Term Commissioning said that it was not anticipated that all service users would move to direct payments immediately, and it would have to be something that they wished to do. Several providers had been contacted in relation to this, and their sustainability had not currently been identified as a cause for concern. With regards to the 50 / 150 balance, the Head of Complex and Long-Term Commissioning said they were aware that this split was likely to change, and with projected growth both were likely to increase. It was intended that there would be part block and part spot purchasing arrangement, which would allow additional places to be procured if required. With regards to whether or not 50 places was sustainable for a provider, it was noted that a fresh tender would be operated and would be let on that basis.


RESOLVED: That the Leader be recommended to:


i)  Note the position in relation to learning disability community services.


ii)  Approve the proposed move to spot procurement and direct payments for people requiring day activities who were not dependent upon building-based provision from April 2021.


iii)  Approve the immediate commencement of tendering in relation to the learning disability day service for people with complex needs requiring a building-based service to ensure the minimum possible interruption in service from April 2021, for a proposed three year contract with the option to extend for up to a further two years at an estimated value of £800k per annum (estimated whole life value of £4m).


  iv)   In accordance with 13.1 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules, approve the progression of a direct negotiated contract award process to enable the uninterrupted provision of respite services and proposed service changes at 118 Widmore Road with an estimated contract value of £562k per annum.



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