Agenda item



Robert Buckley, LBB Head of Renewal provided an update on Town Centre renewal across the Borough.


In addition to the work around grants that the LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration had already described, the team was also working on a Digital Infrastructure Work Plan. This had been mentioned at the last meeting of the Bromley Economic Partnership, and the importance to both businesses and residents in the Borough had been highlighted. A report regarding this would be presented to the meeting of the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on 2nd February 2021. A copy of the report can be viewed via the following link:


The Digital Infrastructure Work Plan had two main streams. The first of these was working on the Memorandum of Understanding with BT Openreach, regarding the roll out of full fibreoptic broadband, which it was anticipated would reach 85% of the Borough by 2023, and result in vastly improved connectivity for all. The second stream related to the Council launching its own ‘toolkit’, which was the provision of small pieces of kit to be installed on Council-owned assets to aid good wireless connection.


Other areas of work being undertaken included connecting Council-owned sites, such as libraries and schools, and looking at funding sources. A bid had been submitted to Connected London for funding of up to £1m to provide them with improved broadband. Discussions were also taking place with the Planning department to ensure that when applications came through for digital infrastructure proposals, they took on board the benefits to communities.


With regards to Bromley Town Centre, they were mid-way through the High Street Improvement Scheme, with the third of the seven stages underway. A planning application (Reference: 21/00337/FULL1) had been submitted for a number of interventions on the High Street, including a covered seating area, sculpture and performance area. The designs had been well received by Ward Councillors, local groups and key stakeholders. The overall aim of the scheme was to make the town centre an attractive destination that residents were encouraged to come in to, interact with the new features, and support local businesses.


Members were advised that the Your Bromley Business Improvement District (BID) had launched their business plan in advance of the BID ballot which would take place on 25th February 2021. This had been a difficult task with the backdrop of the pandemic, but they had put forward some very good proposals, and it was hoped these would be supported by businesses and that they would vote to renew the BID for a further five years.


Lee Thomas, Fairlight Group noted that he had been pleased to see a number of planters installed on Orpington High Street, to separate pedestrians from the traffic. In contrast, the plastic red and white barriers in Bromley High Street had been dislodged, and it did not give the best impression of the town. The LBB Town Centres and BID Development Manager advised that the planters in Orpington High Street were also due to be installed in Bromley, Beckenham and Penge within the next few week, and the red and white barriers would be removed.


RESOLVED that the Town Centre Renewal update be noted.