Agenda item



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Colin Smith, attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Committee.  Councillor Smith gave a brief introduction highlighting the following issues:


  • The Council had received more grants which would be dispersed.
  • The country currently sat in a window of uncertainty between the end of the second wave of Covid-19 and concerns around what may still be to come in terms of a third wave, mindful of the very successful local vaccination programme.
  • The budget had been set for the forthcoming year and this established a realistic funding structure which it was hoped would enable a return to inflation level Council Tax rises moving forward.  However, much depended upon what happened in terms of the pandemic over the next few months.  To some extent the plans of the local authority depended on the decisions taken at a national level, the speed of the recovery, the speed at which businesses and shops could reopen, and the extent to which schools could remain open.
  • Broadly speaking the picture appeared quite bright and optimistic.  As the country emerged from what could best be described as a year of misery, there would need to be a key focus on the mental health and loneliness agendas and Officers and Members are well sighted to that.


Councillor Smith then responded to questions, making the following comments:


  • It appeared that the aviation college at Biggin Hill was now on the “back burner”.
  • Work on the Council’s Digital Strategy was ongoing, and Officers would be presenting the Strategy to Members as soon as possible.

·  In relation to the ongoing review of the most efficient ways to deliver the Council’s statutory obligations, it was important to remember that simply because a service related to a statutory duty did not mean that it could not be delivered more efficiently.  Officers were continually looking for further efficiencies through the Council’s Transformation Programme.  The Leader encouraged Members themselves to put forward ideas for efficiency savings to PDS Committees as these were the most appropriate forum to discuss such issues.

  • The Officer lead on the relaunch of Building a Better Bromley had been seconded to the Local Authority’s Covid Response and was currently supporting the testing centres across the Borough.  Consequently, there had been an understandable delay in presenting the updated document to the Committee.
  • Officers at a managerial and supervisory level were encouraging all staff to take up the offer of a vaccine when it was made.  In terms of addressing vaccine hesitation, this was possibly something the Government would be reviewing and as an employer the Council would comply with employment law.  In the meantime, all staff were encouraged to have the vaccine when they were called.  In terms of Covid testing for staff, the Council would follow any advice from government.
  • In relation to managing growth pressures going forward, if there were demands around adults and children’s – both demand-led services for which there were statutory obligations - the bottom line was that money to support the services would need to be found.  There would be no growth in non-statutory services above and beyond anything approved by Members.  There was an increasing need for the Council to live within its means and the future would be about working increasingly closer with residents and the voluntary sector.  There was an ever greater need for spending to remain within the agreed budget and additional spending could not be considered until it was clear from where funding would come.


 On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman thanked both the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contracts Management for the support they had provided the Committee during the year.