Agenda item

To elect the Mayor of the Borough

The Mayor to make and deliver the statutory Declaration of Office


The Mayor reminded the Council that, as they had not met in person for the past year, they had not yet thanked the outgoing Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2019/20.


On a motion from Councillor Tony Owen, which was seconded by Councillor Ian Dunn, it was


RESOLVED that at the conclusion of the year of office of Councillor Nicholas Bennett MA JP as Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley, the Council places on record its appreciation of the able manner in which he has presided at meetings of the Council and the distinction with which he has maintained and discharged the high traditions and responsibilities of that office.


The Council also recognises the committed and dedicated manner in which he has carried out Mayoral duties when representing the Borough, spreading awareness of the history and tradition of the Mayoralty, as well as strengthening our long-standing relationship with Neuwied and Mayoralty outside of the Borough.


Also recorded is his support for the Borough’s schools and education, residents’ associations, the business community, voluntary community groups, and other organisations.


As the Design and Heritage Champion, Councillor Bennett has promoted and supported all aspects of the historic environment in the borough, ensuring that local plans and strategies capture the contribution that the local historic environment  make to the success of the area.


The Council further acknowledges his enthusiastic support and fund raising efforts through his Charity Appeal for Careplus and The Latch Project.


That the Corporate Seal be affixed to an engrossment of this resolution for presentation to Councillor Nicholas Bennett MA JP and a Past Mayor’s Badge be presented to him in token of the appreciation hereby expressed.


Thereupon, the Mayor, on behalf of the Council, invested Councillor Nicholas Bennett with a badge and presented him with a copy of this citation  in token of the appreciation of his services as Mayor of the Borough.


Councillor Bennett expressed his thanks for the terms of the resolution and the presentation, and for the support accorded to him which had contributed so greatly to his year in office.


RESOLVED that the Council


(1) records its appreciation of the able and courteous services of Councillor Keira Gabbert and Mr Victor Yuzhaninov when, as Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s Consort for 2020/21 they represented the Mayoralty and the Council; and


(2) provide them with an attested copy of this resolution.


Councillor Gabbert expressed her thanks for the terms of the resolution and for the support accorded to her during her year of office as Deputy Mayor.


It was moved by Councillor Michael Turner, seconded by Councillor Julian Benington and


RESOLVED that Councillor Russell Mellor be elected Mayor of the Borough.


Councillor Mellor made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Mayor and thereupon adjourned from the chamber in company with the retiring mayor to receive the insignia of office.


In the chair, Cllr Russell Mellor


On his return to the chamber, the Mayor expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him.