Agenda item


-  Distribution of COVID Grants

-  Memorandum of Understanding with BT Openreach


The LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration provided an update:


With regards to business grants, the LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration advised that these were divided into two categories – mandatory grants, with criteria set by the government; and discretionary grants, for which the Local Authority set the criteria within a national framework. Mandatory grants were administered directly by the Council’s Exchequer Services, who were currently distributing payments under the ‘Restart Grant’ to support and remobilise businesses, whereas the discretionary grants were co-ordinated by the Business Support Team, the majority of which had been the Additional Restrictions Grants (ARG).


There were various grant schemes within the ARG that were ‘live’, including the ‘Hardship Grant’ for which circa £2.5m had been distributed to date. The application period for the ‘Innovation Fund’ (£1m) had recently closed and the team were now assessing around 130 submissions, with capacity to award payments to 100. It was hoped that the first 50 of these grant payments would be made the following week. Two further schemes supported by the Council were ‘Special Treatment Licenses’ and the ‘Home Based Business Grant’. ‘Special Treatment Licenses’ were predominately for those delivering one on one services, such as beauty treatments, to which payments of £1k were being awarded to assist with COVID-19 measures. Businesses that applied for pavement licenses, to allow outdoor trading, were also being given a grant of £1k to use towards keeping the streets and pavements clean and tidy. The ‘Home Based Business Grant’ would be launched within the next few weeks. It was aimed at those that are not registered for business rates and a payment of £2k could be awarded if they had any fixed business costs.


The LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration informed Members that a ‘BID Business Booster Grant’, which it was hoped would go live within the next couple of months, would provide support to small, independent businesses within the  BID areas. It was highlighted that the team should have distributed the initial ARG by 30th June 2021 – if this was completed successfully, a further £2.6m would be awarded by the government, and the team would be engaging with businesses as to the best way for this grant to be deployed. It was considered that this additional sum could be used to support recovery, such as autumnal events once restrictions were fully lifted and the night-time economy, but further thoughts and suggestions would be welcomed.


It was noted that the ARG had also been used to support the cultural and leisure sectors, with discretionary payments having been made to venues and facilities within the Borough. The LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration highlighted that the ARG had been stretched as far as it could be, and thanks were extended to the team who had worked exceptionally hard to ensure that these payments were awarded. These thanks were echoed by the Chairman who acknowledged that it had been a complex and difficult job, which they had done extremely well.


The Chairman welcomed the thoughts of those Members that represented a number of businesses in terms of the feedback they had received relating to the grants. Helen McIntosh, South East London Chamber of Commerce (SELCC) advised that they had contacted all of their members, across all boroughs, to encourage them to apply for the grants. Chandra Sharma, representing the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), said that those business that had not received grants the first time round had been happy to have received them during the next phase. Frances Forrest, Your Bromley BID Company said that businesses within the district were getting on well since the reopening of the high street – the atmosphere was good natured, and queues had been well organised. The BID had brought in a market, with rides and a food stall which had put people in good spirits. With regards to the business grants, she was aware that a number of businesses in the town centre had received them, although it was noted that they could do more in terms of publicising them.


Chandra Sharma, representing the FSB, asked for further information regarding the criteria for the new ‘Home Based Business Grant’. The LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration advised that it was a £2k payment for those who applied and were eligible. The criteria was that those applying had to demonstrate ongoing fixed business costs (which could include vehicle hire or software license) and were trading or actively trying to support their business to recover. Those applying would be asked to submit documentation to demonstrate their fixed cost and a bank statement from within the last three months.


In response to questions from Lee Thomas, Fairlight Group the LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration advised that the pavement license fees were not being waived by the Local Authority and highlighted that it was not within the remit of her team to be able to do so. With regards to the definition of ‘accommodation’, the LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration noted that the Hardship Grants had not been made solely to those businesses with accommodation costs.


The Chairman suggested that any further detailed questions relating to business grants could be emailed to the LBB Interim Assistant Director of Culture and Regeneration following the meeting.

(ACTION: Members of the Bromley Economic Partnership)


RESOLVED that the Town Centre and COVID Grants update be noted.