Agenda item



Report CEF21019


The report asked the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families to consider the Council’s School Place Planning Report 2021 setting out how the Council’s planned to meet the forecast need for primary and secondary places and seeking agreement to the recommendations of the School Places Working Party held on 27 April 2021.


In opening the discussion the Chairman welcomed the approval of the planning application for Marjorie McClure and noted that the report had been heavily scrutinised by members of the School Places Working Group. Labour Members had been invited to participate in the Working Fgroup but had not taken the opportunity to be involved.


The Committee discussed issues around the Harris Kentwood proposals, noting that local ward councillors had expressed concerns around the viability of proposals and possible delays to the project.  In response, the Head of Strategic Place Planning explained that the Council was working with the DfE and Harris in order to progress the proposal.  The site had been identified in the Local Plan and initial conversations with the Council’s Planning Department had already taken place.  It was recognised that consultation was key and the Council was in the process of finalising terms with the DfE.  The Committee noted that Officers anticipated that they would be in a position to report to the Executive in more detail in the Autumn.  Members noted that the Local Authority was also in conversation with Harris regarding temporary places and issues would be brought forward as more information was gathered.  Harris had bid for the new school through the Free School process and the matter had been determined by the DfE.  It was notable that all Harris Schools in the area were oversubscribed and the evidence that was available suggested that the schools would be able to attract local parents.


In response to a question, the Head of Strategic Place Planning explained that there were two reasons for the delays in the Harris Kentwood project: firstly, there were a number of complications with the site which needed to be addressed; and secondly, there had been a requirement to provide an evidential base of the local need for secondary school places.


The Chairman noted that 97% of schools in the Borough were rated by Ofsted as either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ and this went some way in explaining the increasing demand for school places in the Borough.  In drawing the discussion to a close the Chairman highlighted that Bromley performed above the London average in terms of placing children in their preferred places.


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to consider the comments of the School Places Working Group following its meeting on 27 April 2020, in particular its resolutions that:


  1. That pupil roll projections and other trend data set out in the report be noted;


  1. That a planning margin of 5% above the GLA school roll projections is continued to be sought to provide for local variations in need and to meet parental preferences;


  1. That whilst there are, at the moment, sufficient places available or planned to meet current and projected demand for school places, the Council will work with schools to safeguard the existing supply of school places as required;


  1. That there are specific pressures for placements for pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and that the Council works with local schools, trusts and the DfE to bring proposals forward to increase capacity and improve provision where necessary;


  1. That discussions be undertaken with schools, multi academy trusts and the DfE, as outlined in this report, to ensure a sufficient supply of mainstream school places in the Borough, including through expansions and opening new schools;


  1. That the potential delay to Harris Kent House free school opening is noted and that it is recommended that the Council engages in conversation with Harris Federation and other academy trusts operating in the borough to ensure that there are sufficient school places until the school opens;


  1. Where expansion is agreed, to implement through the education capital programme (subject to the availability of funds); and


  1. That the direction of travel for the increase in local SEND provision be endorsed.

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