Agenda item

(21/00897/FULL6) - 25 Grove Vale, Chislehurst, BR7 5DS




Description of application – Retrospective application for a children’s activity frame and swings.


The Head of Development Management reported the following:-


·  Paragraph 8.1 on page 48 of the report had been amended to read:- ‘Having had regard to the above it is considered that the development is acceptable in that it would not result in a significant loss of amenity to local residents nor impact detrimentally on trees as a result of the modification proposed.

·  A late objection had been received in relation to overlooking, a matter which had already been summarised in the report.

·  Further modifications had been requested i.e. to move equipment further away from the boundary of 7 Selby Close; further screening and a reduction in height.


Concerns were raised in regard to the size of the structure, the tower, clatter bridge and balcony, all of which would be far too visible from the property at No 7 Selby Close even with the modifications proposed. The structure was only 0.4m away from the rear boundary fence and there was no room for screening; two of the five confers already planted had died.


Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reason:-


1  The development, by reason of its scale and siting, would result in a significant degree of overlooking and loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties to the rear at Nos. 7 and 9 Selby Close, thereby contrary to Policy 37 of the Bromley Local Plan.


It was FURTHER RESOLVED that ENFORCEMENT ACTION BE AUTHORISED to require the removal of the play equipment (to be carried out within one month).


The Head of Planning and Development Support advised that the applicant may have been known to Members through a previous matter when he had complied with a roof profile as requested. In this matter and following discussions with the applicant, he was confident that upon receipt of the decision made at this Committee, the applicant would take steps to remove the structure.

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