Agenda item



The LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager informed Members that following the adoption of the Economic Development Strategy, a work programme had been developed based on the seven key aspirations within the document: Education and Skills; Employment Spaces; Helping Businesses Thrive; High Streets for the Future; Connectivity and Mobility; Enhancement of Tourism and Culture Industries; and Working Towards a Green Economy.


A template was being prepared to populate the document with areas of work that were in to be started, in progress or completed – the document set out the objectives for each economic aspiration and a list of actions associated with it. The document would be used to monitor progress in achieving the objectives of the Strategy and set clear priorities on a quarterly basis. It was noted that discussions had taken place earlier in the meeting regarding employment spaces and upskilling courses – work in these areas was being undertaken by partners and the Local Authority, but this needed to be combined into one cohesive plan.


The LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager advised that this would be an ongoing process, and over the next few weeks meetings would be scheduled with Members of the Partnership to look at ways of working collaboratively on some of the actions listed in the document. The work undertaken would be monitored on a quarterly basis and it was proposed that the document be shared at each meeting of the Partnership – to demonstrate what had been achieved during the last quarter and identify areas of focus for the next. It was noted that the document would be amended as work took place and evidence the tangible achievements. Christopher Evans, Community Links Bromley noted that a lot of the measures appeared to be based on outputs and suggested that consideration may also need to be given to outcomes.


Lee Thomas, Fairlight Group said that he had been surprised to see there were only 45 employers in the borough that had over 250 employees. It was considered that addressing this was something that should be included in the plan. The Vice-Chairman highlighted that London Biggin Hill Airport was a unique selling point for the borough, and an asset that could help maximise jobs and employment in the area. Mike Lewis, Michael Rogers LLP advised that when brochures were produced to market any space in the borough, he ensured that London Biggin Hill Airport was labelled on the maps included within it. Mike Humphries, Handelsbanken noted that discussions had also previously taken place regarding the inclusion of leisure and social opportunities in the borough.


The LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager informed Members that another piece of work being undertaken was an Economic Data Report, a copy of which would be circulated to Members following the meeting.

  (ACTION: LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager / Clerk)


The report provided key statistics on how the town centres and borough as a whole was performing, including information on the number of business start-ups; claimant counts; jobs on furlough; apprenticeships; and in town centres footfall rates, vacancy rates and spend data. It was noted that this document would be produced on a quarterly basis and circulated to Members. The data would be used to help guide the recovery of the local economy, and Members were asked to notify the LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager if they held any additional data that could be fed into future reports.

  (ACTION: Members of the Partnership)


Councillor Yvonne Bear, Chairman of the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee noted that she had met with the LBB Assistant Director for Culture and Regeneration to discuss what information she would like provided to the Committee, and tracking of some additional data had been requested. As the work programme would also need to be presented to the Committee, Councillor Bear asked that a copy be sent to her for further comment.

  (ACTION: LBB Place Shaping and Local Economy Manager)


RESOLVED that the update be noted.