Agenda item



Description of application – Demolition of the existing care home buildings and erection of a single to part three storey building plus basement to provide a care home (Use Class Order Class C2) and car parking landscaping and associated works.


The Development Management Team Leader – Major Developments gave a brief presentation and overview of the application.


Oral representations in support of the application were received from the applicant’s agent who gave the following responses to Member questions:-


·  In relation to the 50 proposed car parking spaces (two of which were allocated for disabled parking), as the vast majority of residents did not own a car, these spaces were mainly for visitors and staff. The parking provision met with parking standards and were larger than the norm.


·  Ten electric car charging spaces would be provided. This equated to the policy requirement in the Local Plan for the provision of 20%. However, if there was capacity to do so, the applicant was willing to provide more.


·  Detailed discussions had taken place with neighbouring residents to ensure they would not be affected too badly during the hours of operation at the construction stage. Statutory regulations stated that engines should not be started before 8 am and must be switched off by 6 pm Monday to Friday. Working hours are 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays and no work is to be carried out on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Neighbours would be advised when particularly noisy machinery was due to be on site. It was anticipated that work would begin during November/December.


·  While twelve dual occupancy suites would be provided, the applicant would be flexible whenever possible.


·  In the event that a client was affected by financial difficulties, the matter would be discussed with them or family members to ensure a satisfactory outcome.


·  The units located on the ground floor would overlook the spacious courtyard where sunlight would enter from both east and west directions. The café/restaurant would also have a view of the courtyard.


·  It was anticipated that work would begin in December 2021 and would be ready for occupancy in two years’ time.


The Chairman considered the proposed replacement building had been cleverly designed and was much larger and more attractive than the existing building. Care homes were much needed in the Borough and the applicant had been mindful of the residential quality of the units. The Chairman moved that the application be permitted. Councillor Joel seconded the motion.


Councillor Fawthrop moved that a condition be added for 100% enabled electric car charging points to be provided. The motion was seconded by Councillor Onslow.


The Development Management Team Leader – Major Developments advised that the hours of operation could be covered in the Construction Management Plan condition. Members were also advised that there was no policy basis to add an additional condition for electric vehicle charging points.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO A SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT as recommended and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Assistant Director, Planning. A condition requiring the provision of 100% electric car charging points was also added.

Supporting documents: