Agenda item



The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families, Cllr Kate Lymer, attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Committee.  Prior to the meeting the Portfolio Holder had provided Members of the Committee with a written update outlining activity across the Portfolio since the last meeting.  In particular the Portfolio Holder highlighted the following issues:-


·  The Local Authority had received a very positive letter from Ofsted following a recent focus visit.  In the letter Ofsted had confirmed that Members, Officers and Partners were doing all they could to help young people reach their full potential.

·  The Portfolio Holder had recently addressed a Chair of Governors meetings.

·  An invitation had been extended to school to visit the Civic Centre and hold their School Council meetings in the Council Chamber.  As part of these visits the young people would meet the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and be provided with a tour of the Old Palace culminating in a visit to the Mayor’s Parlor.  It was noted that when schools visited local were Members were informed and invited to attend.

·  The Portfolio Holder reported that since the last PDS meeting in September, she had attended a number of meetings including the SEND and YOS Governance Boards.  The Portfolio Holder had also recently made a presentation at internal Officer Training.

·  In October the Portfolio Holder had chaired her second meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board and had also been involved in promoting National Kinship Week.

·  In addition, the Portfolio Holder had attended the official opening of the “Beyond Autism” Facility in Bromley North.

·  A visit had also been made to the SEND Matters pop up shop in the Glades and Members noted that further pop-up shops would be arranged for Primary and Secondary schools.

·  Within the last week the Portfolio Holder held meetings with the new Director for Children, Education and Families and the incoming Director for Corporate Services and Governance.

·  Finally, the Portfolio Holder welcomed Richard Baldwin, Director for Children, Education and Families and extended her best wishes to Janet Bailey (Director of Children’s Services) who would be leaving the Council.  The Portfolio Holder highlighted that the leadership and dedication demonstrated by Janet Bailey had been truly inspiring and she was genuinely one of the best in the business. 


Cllr Lymer then responded to questions making the following comments:-


  • A document on the Care Leavers Covenant would be forwarded to Members of the Committee when it was available.  Members noted that whilst the Covenant was very much about continuing to provided the support already in place, what it did do was provide the Council’s Care Leavers with national access.  The wider audience and ideas coming from the Covenant would enhance the young people and widen their horizons.
  • The Ofsted review into Sexual Harassment and Abuse had been regularly discussed at meetings of the Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership.  Since the publication of the Ofsted report a letter, from Ministers had been sent to all Safeguarding Children Partnerships.  Discussions were taking place with schools and these had also been attended by a senior police officer.  Bromley schools were taking a very proactive approach to discussions and the response with the Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership leading the coordination of the Boroughwide response.  Officers were looking to develop a set of resources to support schools with their consideration of and response to this matter.
  • The Council was in the process of procuring consultants to undertake a strategic review of the SEN estate in Bromley.  It was anticipated that current Marjorie McClure would form part of the first phase of property reviews commencing In Spring Term 2022.


The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for the update.