Agenda item



Report ACH21-051


The Committee considered a report which sought Executive approval to procure an integrated sexual health service from 1st April 2023 for a period of 5 years plus the option to extend for a further 2 years – at an estimated cost of £1,455k per annum, with an estimated whole life value totalling £10,185k. The duration of the contract was designed to encourage interest from a wide range of organisations and to provide financial sustainability to the successful provider who would be expected to act as strategic lead for sexual health services in the borough.


The London Brough of Bromley had a statutory duty to improve the health of the population and to provide local public health services. The specific responsibilities were set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and associated regulations and included a mandated requirement for local authorities to provide or make arrangements to secure the provision of comprehensive open access sexual health services.


Currently, sexual health services in Bromley were provided by King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KCH), who delivered the Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Service and Bromley Healthcare CIC (BHC) who delivered the Sexual Health Early Intervention Service. Whilst the current set up of co-location fully met the Council’s statutory duty, the renewed specification would draw on the experience and benefits achieved through the transformation programme and further enhance patient experience with improved efficiencies. The current contract with BHC was directly commissioned by the Council. However, the KCH contract was held by the London Borough of Lambeth as the Sexual Health Sub-Regional Lead in South East London. The current contract with KCH held by Lambeth also included provision of an integrated service at Camberwell Clinic in Denmark Hill for Bromley residents. This element of the service was not included in the procurement and the Camberwell provision would continue to be part of the SEL contract held by Lambeth. As both contracts were due to expire on 31st March 2023, it was proposed to create a more streamlined service by revising the current specification and by combining all elements of both contracts, except the Camberwell provision, into one single, integrated contract. The Camberwell provision for Bromley residents would remain as part of Lambeth Council’s contract with KCH and was subject to the procurement decision made by the London Borough of Lambeth.


In response to questions from a Member, the Assistant Director of Public Health advised that it was very unlikely that the London Borough of Lambeth would not reprocure the Camberwell Clinic at Denmark Hill. A joint programme of change was taking place – this was being led by Lambeth, with the other SEL boroughs participating to consider future arrangements for sexual health services and look at what was most appropriate. It was noted that the Camberwell Clinic was just a very small element of the contact that KCH provided for Bromley. With regards to integrated services, the statutory provision would be provided at Beckenham Beacon. Residents could attend any sexual health clinic, but this procurement exercise sought to enhance quality and ease of access. A survey of sexual health provision across SEL had taken place, and the data had highlighted that the majority of residents would prefer to access local services.


A Member noted that the report referred to the difficulties in forecasting demand for the service and enquired where the risks lay if this increased. The Assistant Director for Public Health advised that the COVID-19 pandemic had changed the way in which things operated, and the impact of this on clinics was still being assessed. Combining these services was considered to be a better option and new ways of working created efficiencies. Over the last 5 to 6 years the service had been transformed, with services that did not need to be clinic-based successfully moved online – and there was further scope to move to less cost-based services in the future. The Assistant Director said that she was confident that they could work with providers to maintain costs. It was noted that the contract was based on the current budget – once the contract went out to tender it would be specifically based on the submissions received, and they would look to maintain the same level of spend over its duration as well as offering efficiencies.


RESOLVED that the Executive be recommended to:


i.)  Approve proceeding to procure a LBB held contract for an integrated sexual health service from 1 April 2023 for a period of 5 years plus the option to extend for a further 2 years at an estimated cost of £1,455k per annum, with an estimated whole life value of a total of £10,185k; and,


ii.)  Approve the continuation of provision at Camberwell Clinic in Denmark Hill under the contract held by Lambeth from 1st April 2023, subject to the procurement decision made by Lambeth Council.

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