Agenda item

(19/01543/RECON2) - Land at Junction with South Eden Park Road and Bucknall Way, Beckenham







Description of Application: Application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary conditions 2 and 32 of permission 19/01543/RECON for residential development comprising erection of 6 x four storey buildings consisting of 10 four bedroom houses and 133 x one, two and three bedroom apartments together with concierges office. Construction of basement car park with 204 spaces. Central landscaped area with 10 visitor spaces cycle parking for 286 and refuse stores. Amendments are sought to allow the removal of the remaining horse chestnut trees and for 32 fastigiate oaks at a height of 6 metres to be planted.


This application had been called in by a Councillor on the basis that it was of significant public interest in that it involved the planting of trees.


The recommendation was to refuse the application.


An oral representation in objection to the recommendation for refusal was heard on the night.


Ward Councillors Peter Dean and Christine Harris were present and they felt that the application should be approved as there would be a significant net gain overall in the number of trees that would be planted. Councillor Dean also pointed out the significant amount of money that LBB had paid out with respect to appeal cases. It was also noted that LBB aimed to plant 5000 trees and that this application would help to contribute to that aim.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the conditions contained in the original permission. The decision notice will be issued repeating the conditions of the original permission.







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