Agenda item



Report ACS10067


The Portfolio Holder introduced a report providing the PDS Committee with progress  on the Portfolio Plan priorities for 2010  and an  outline of the Care Quality commission (CQC) framework for rating Adult Social Care performance.  Development of the 2011/12 Portfolio Plan would commence with the Portfolio Holder’s planning conference which was due to be held on 23rd November 2010 and information from this event would be incorporated into the draft plan for presentation to the Committee in the spring.


The Portfolio Holder reported to the Committee that targets were largely being met.  The outcomes from the mid-year performance review had been positive and the Care Quality Commission had noted good areas of progress.


The Director ACS reported that there had been significant progress on the work around assessments and reviews, an area in which the committee had previously expressed concern.  Real improvement had been seen in this area and performance monitoring had proven to be beneficial.


The Chairman acknowledged that there appeared to be an improvement in the speed and quality of assessments and  acknowledged that  ACS continued to demonstrate to PDS that performance targets were used to good effect to inform and improve the business with managers “owning” performance in  their service areas.



The Co-opted Members on the Committee commented that the voluntary services they represented found the targets in place useful and that the annual review of targets helped with negotiations that took place with the Local Authority.


The Committee noted that where the Department had not met targets, it was largely down to circumstances beyond the control of the Local Authority, a clear example of this was the Foyer Scheme.


Members considered services that were provided to people recovering from mental health difficulties.  The Committee also considered the services available to individuals on the autistic spectrum.  The Director ACS suggested that a detailed report should be presented to the Committee in the new year as the department’s response to the recent guidance from the  Department of Health 'Fulfilling and rewarding lives':  -  guidance for local authorities and NHS organisations to support implementation of the autism strategy.


A Member asked whether grants received by the Department would come to an end and whether this would cause any problems in the delivery of services.  The Director ACS reported that there was still uncertainty surrounding what would happen to the grants.  Officers suspected that grants were likely to be rolled together and once further information was known Officers would provide a report to Members.


The Portfolio Holder reported that Bromley was a  successful Borough in terms of providing employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities.  The Entry to Employment Initiative had been Borough-wide and the Portfolio Holder was pleased that the Local Authority had been able to deliver this in partnership with the PCT. The Portfolio Holder also reported that he was disappointed that the Local Authority had missed the target regarding the Foyer Scheme.



REOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to note the areas of strength and the areas requiring further improvement.

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