Agenda item



The Chairman and Cllr Owen declared an interest as they were both present at the opening of the Crystal Palace Academy.


Cllr Mark Smith declared an interest with respect to Item 4.3 which was Babington House School. He read out a statement that had been checked by the legal department. Mr Smith had previously been approached by some local residents asking for support in objecting to some developments at the school. He said that given the rules around pre-determination, he would consider both the arguments in support and objection to the application with an open mind. He said that in the interests of transparency and probity he would retain the right to speak on the application but not to vote. 


Cllr Joel declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 4.3: Babington House School  


The Chairman and Cllr Owen declared an interest as they were both present at the opening of the Crystal Palace Academy.


Cllr Mark Smith declared an interest with respect to Item 4.3 which was Babington House School. He read out a statement that had been checked by the legal department. Mr Smith had previously been approached by some local residents asking for support in objecting to some developments at the school. He said that given the rules around pre-determination, he would consider both the arguments in support and objection to the application with an open mind. He said that in the interests of transparency and probity he would retain the right to speak on the application but not to vote. 


Cllr Joel declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 4.3: Babington House School